Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box.
保管箱租赁业务是银行接受客户的委托,以出租保管箱的形式代客户保管贵重物品的一项服务业务。 |
Safe for sensitive skin.100% fragrancefree.Oil-free.safe for contact lens wearers.Ophthalmologist-tested.Non-comedogenic.Clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy.
无香精配方。通过皮肤刺激性和过敏性临床测试,配戴隐形眼镜者和敏感性肤质者可安心使用。 |
Safe rooms also come with pressure-resistant windows and Kevlar bulletproof panels that look like normal walls.
安全密室还配有抗压窗和合成纤维防弹板,它们看上去像普通墙面。 |
Safe state: If the system can allocate resources to each process in some order and still avoid a deadlock.
安全状态是指,系统依照某些次序分派资源给每个处理元,且能够避免产生死结。 |
Safe, simple, hygienic and quick operation.
操作安全,简单、卫生、快捷。 |
Safeguarding funds is perhaps the oldest function of bands.
也许安全地保管资金是银行的最为古老的职能。 |
Safeguarding information in a secure telecommunication system by cryptographic or protected distribution system means from point of origin to point of destination.
在安全的通讯系统中,从起点到终点通过加密的或安全的分布式系统保护信息的安全措施。 |
Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the paramount national interest and an unshakable principle for any country.
对于任何一个国家来说,维护国家的主权和领土完整都是最高国家利益和不可动摇的原则。 |
Safeguarding solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation is the very foundation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups lie.
维护中华民族的团结统一,是中华民族伟大复兴的根本基础,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在。 |
Safeguarding the accuracy, transparency, and legitimacy of Accounting procedures.
确保准确、透明、合法的会计程序。 |
Safeguards for individual liberty under the Constitution: the Bill of Rights.
宪法下的个人自由的保护:人权。 |