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By analyzing thermal emission polarization detection method, a thermal imaging polarimeter is developed.

By analyzing the supply and demand of natural resources, the article explores the deep reasons of natural resources market failure from several aspects: the opening characteristic of the non – market supply and common property rights; the lack of the inst 摘要导致自然资源市场失灵的深层原因:在非市场供给领域开放心与公共产权导致市场完全失效;在现有的自然资源市场内,市场有效性条件不具备导致市场对自然资源配置的低效率,更深层的原因存在于自然资源市场供给与非市场供给之间的相互影响以及时间维度的信息不对称。
By analyzing the symbols such as the old man, sea, fish in The Old Man and the Sea, the paper probes into the active theme of The Old Man and the Sea-one can be destroyed but can't be defeated, and reveals the essence of life philosophy of Hemingway. 以象徵分析的方法对《老人与海》中老人、海、大鱼等元素的象徵涵义进行了探索和解读,分析了海明威在小说中阐述的主题:“一个人可以被毁灭,但是不能战败”的积极意义,揭示了海明威人生哲学的要义及其形成过程。
By analyzing the technical flow of pithead heap-leaching uranium deposits of hard-rock type, the authors analyze its 14 cost items such as ore mining fee and major materials fee etc., and set up a geological-economic evaluation model. 摘要通过对硬岩型铀矿坑口堆浸法的工艺流程分析,总结出坑口堆浸成本由矿石开采费用、主要原材料费用等14项要素组成,并建立了地质经济评价模型。
By analyzing the three events happening in Ghost Street Art Warehouse and college Town, the paper reveals that the possibility, underlying public participation and self-metabolism are of the great importance to the city. 摘要该文通过对鬼街、艺术仓库以及大学城三个事件的分析,揭示了可能性、隐性公共参与以及自我更新对城市的重要性。
By analyzing the water saving status quo in the South to North Water Benefited Areas, national legal measures and local regulations, the paper discussed the relative methods for achieving the water saving objective in the region from lawmaking aspect. 摘要通过分析南水北调受水区节水现状,在分析国家有关法制措施、政策空间以及受水区各地有关法制基础上,从法制角度对实现南水北调受水区节水目标函需采取的相关措施进行了探讨。
By analyzing thermal emission polarization detection method, a thermal imaging polarimeter is developed. 通过分析热红外偏振探测方法,根据现有条件研制了一种热红外成像偏振探测仪。
By analyzing three aspects on the phosphorous pollution of water in China, such as the origin of phosphor of water, the impact of phosphor on the water environment, and the dynamics of phosphorus pollution, it was summarized the distinct characteristics o 摘要从水体中磷的来源、磷对水环境造成的影响以及磷污染的发展趋势3个方面分析了我国水体磷污染的突出特征,总结了国内外对水体磷污染监控管理技术的研究成果,为进一步研究水体磷污染及其控制、治理提供了理论依据。
By analyzing three different ideas, tie author believes that regional cultureof the new era should be an innovation of tradition and a representation of time spiritrather than a simple reminiscenceand returning. 该文通过对地区环境、地方文化、时代精神三方而构思的分析,认为新时代的“地域文化”不是简单的“怀旧”与“回归”,而是对传统的创新,是时代精神的展现。
By anatomical observations, the mutant was characterized with the phenotypes of fewer stamens, more pistils and stigmas, twin ovary, malformed embryo sac, as well as stamen originated pistils. 该突变体花器官主要表现为:雄蕊数目减少,雌蕊增加,双子房,多柱头,胚囊畸形,有雄蕊雌蕊化现象。
By and by some wiser man would appear. 再过些时候,自会有更聪明的人出现。
By and by the clouds disappeared. 乌云不久便消散了。

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