If the latter want to speak fairly fluent English, the way to correct it is to open yourself, break up your restrained manner, read aloud, and spend much more effort to practice your English.
后者如想学得一口较流利的英语,其修正的办法就是开放自己,冲破矜持,朗朗开口,百倍的努力,操练英语。 |
If the law requires it, are you willing to perform non-combatant services in the armed forces of the U.S.?
如果法律需要,你愿意在美国军队内担任非战斗人员的任务吗? |
If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. Armed Forces?
如果法律需要,你愿意在美国军队内执行非战斗人员的任务吗? |
If the laws and regulations require that local currency be used for account keeping, such laws and regulations shall be complied with.
但法律另有规定,或因营业上有特殊需要者,不在此限。 |
If the lawsuit involving power plants goes the same way, the new president will be able to enforce across-the-board cuts in emissions by fiat.
如果涉及发电厂的诉讼也有类似的结果,新总统就完全有权强制推行全面减排方案。 |
If the lawyer had had enough evidence, he could have proved the convict is innocent.
如果律师有足够的证据,他就可以证明犯人是无辜的。 |
If the lawyer has enough evidence, he can prove the convict is innocent.
如果律师有足够的证据,他可以证明犯人是无辜的。 |
If the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the local churchesdo not regard evangelical Christian churches, organizations, and ministries as legitimate Christian entities, we ask that they publicly resign their membership in all associations of evange
如果「地方召会」及「水流职事站」领导不认同基督教福音派各教会、组织和事奉的正统性,那麽我们要求「地方召会」及「水流职事站」公开宣布退出基督教福音派所属的所有协会和会员资格。 |
If the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the local churchesregard evangelical Christians as fellow believers, we request that they publicly renounce the use of lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits against evangelical Christians to answer criticisms
如果「地方召会」及「水流职事站」领导视基督教福音派的基督徒为弟兄姊妹,我们请求放弃使用诉讼和威胁控告来解决争端和回应批评。 |
If the leadership of Taiwan continues to proceed along the road it is on, despite what you say and despite what the Americans might say, what measures is China prepared to take?
唐:如果台湾当局不顾中美所表达的反对意见,一意孤行,在目前的道路上继续往下走,中国会采取什么行动? |
If the leather wasn?t so huge, it would be nearly perfect replication.
如果皮革.其余?笔数额巨大,将是几近完美的复制. |