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Meantime, please note that we studied your range of products and we are interestsed to start sales of your products to our customer in Iran,but considering the fact that we can only cooperate with your company on an exclusive basis and taking into account

Meantime, British Prime Minster Tony Blair attended the annual EU-China summit in Beijing where he discussed trade and investment. 同时,英国首相布莱尔在北京参加年度的欧盟-中国高峰会议,讨论贸易和投资问题。
Meantime, Israeli forces are poised to launch a larger ground offensive. 与此同时,以军正准备发起更大规模的地面进攻。
Meantime, Vice President Dick Cheney spent part of the day preparing the army's next generation of leaders. 同时,副总统切尼正在给下届军队的领导人们做准备。
Meantime, debate on a military spending bill is underway in the Senate. 与此同时,参议院关于军费开支的辩论正在进行当中。
Meantime, officials say they are making progress in the investigation into what sparked the blaze. 同时,官方宣称他们对于火灾的起因的调查正在取得进展。
Meantime, please note that we studied your range of products and we are interestsed to start sales of your products to our customer in Iran,but considering the fact that we can only cooperate with your company on an exclusive basis and taking into account 同时,我司研究了贵司的产品范围,我司对贵司的产品非常感兴趣,并希望能够将贵司的产品推销给我们在伊朗的客商,但是考虑到我司必须得到贵司产品在伊朗的唯一经营权,而中方公司可能无法派送代表,我司特此通知贵司,我们随时准备在伊朗推销贵司产品,但是我们会将询盘发送到我们的沪办,他们会负责与贵司联系接洽,对于此类询盘,请贵司报出你们的最低价,我们在得到报价后会及时反馈给我们伊朗国内的客商,一旦客户下单,我们将安排从贵司订货发运至伊朗。
Meantime, the Boulder District Attorney's Office has not commented at reports that it was told five years ago about Karl's fascination with Ramsey's case. 与此同时,有报道说博得尔区检查署会五年前已得知卡尔对拉姆奇的案件过分关注,而博得尔区检查署还未对这一说法做出回应。
Meanwhile , my tongue was busying searching out the hole where the tooth had been . 同时,我的舌头忙着寻找那颗牙洞在哪里。
Meanwhile ,not all believe that the trading is legal ;and some even regard it as fraud or a joke . Department concerned says this kind of action is illegal . 同时,并不是所有人都认为这种做法合法,有些人设置认为这是一种欺骗或玩笑。有关部门称此举属于非法行为。
Meanwhile ,the company undertakes the windowsill processing of arc, widening and lengthening .The product is tally with the demand of environ went protection and we will provide you the best fore-sale and after-sale service. 同时还承接弧型,异型、加宽、加长的窗台板定制业务,并具有良好的售前和售后服务,材料符合绿色环保要求。
Meanwhile 59 percent of voters surveyed believe Sarkozy has a more presidential stature , whereas Royal is described as more likable by 62 percent of voters. 据一份选民调查表明,59%的选民认为萨尔科齐更适合出任法国总统,而62%的选民表示罗亚尔比较有亲和力。

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