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M. Ryan: Marxism and Deconstruction: a Critical Articulation, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland, 1982,pp. 50 - 62.

M. Alonso and , Fundamental University Physics, Vol. 1, Addison-Wesley(1978). 中译本:福特,经典和近代物理学,陈纲等译,人民教育出版社(1980-1983).
M. Dupont participe à une mission. 例句:杜邦先生参加了一个代表团。
M. H. Rei, L. L. Sheu, and Y. Z. Chen, “Nickel Boride Catalyst in Organic Synthesis. I: A New Ferromagnetic Catalyst from the Diborane Reduction of Nickel Acetate”, Appl. Catal., 23 (1986) 281. 陈懿,范以宁,沈俭一,胡徵,“非晶态合金超细微粒催化剂制备、表徵和催化作用的研究”,超细微粒材料与触媒研讨会论文集,(1996)1.
M. I want to thank all my fans for all the support, I love u all and I hope to give u many moments of joy this year. Take care. 我要谢谢所有支持我的球迷,我爱你们,也由衷希望大家有开心的一年。要保重喔。
M. James Shyu, “Image Processing Method for the Adjustment of Photographic Contrast and the Relevant Apparatus”, US Patent 6,816,191, Nov. 9, 2004. 徐明景,“可调整感光特性曲线的影像处理方法与装置”,中华人民共和国发明专利证号第258278号,2006年4月5日.
M. Ryan: Marxism and Deconstruction: a Critical Articulation, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland, 1982,pp. 50 - 62. 参见德里达:《马克思的幽灵》,何一津译,[北京]中国人民大学出版社1999年版,第82页,第115-119页,第126页及第231页.
M. Suzuki, H. Hsieh, and K. Huang, Design considerations for a backlighting unit for large area LCD-TV. International Display Workshop, pp. 669-672, 2003. 苏佩君,液晶显示器背光模组之膜片翘曲现象分析,国立中山大学硕士论文,2004年。
M. Weitzman. Free Access vs. Private Ownership as Alternative Systems for Managing Common Property. 《公共财产管理的两难:自由使用权与私人拥有权》。
M. Weitzman. Prices vs. Quantities. 《价格与数量》。
M. Z. Pan, H. Niu, Numerical analysis of Spindt-type vathode and two kinds of vaccum microelectronics devices, Proceedings of the fourth international vacuum microelectronics conference, P.142, 1991. 潘明政,牛憨笨,杨勤劳,真空微电子器件的数值模拟计算与分析,光子学报,21(2),1992。
M.-C. Chen, H.-J. Huang, 1993, An Electrochemical Cell Designed for End-column Amperometric Detection in CZE, ICCT, (International Chemical Conference Taipei) : Analytical Chemistry, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 陈美成﹐黄宣容﹐1989﹐多频道组合电极在剥除伏安法上之应用﹐中国化学会年会﹐台湾﹐台北.

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