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Research shows that smoking causes premature death, cancer and heart disease.

Research shows that copying the other person helps create a feeling of affinity. 研究结果显示,模仿对方的动作可以让彼此产生亲近感。
Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. 黑巧克力富含一种叫作类黄酮的抗氧化剂,研究表明类黄酮有助于保持心脏的健康和血液循环的畅通,并减少可能导致心脏病和中风的血栓。
Research shows that getting married prompts a 50 per cent increase in housework. 有调查显示,对于女性来说,结婚意味着得多做50%的家务活。
Research shows that leaders actually spend 80% of their time convincing the last 15-20% of those resisting the change to accept it. 研究结果显示,事实上领导者花了80%的时间用来说服最抗拒改变的15-20%的人接受改变。
Research shows that mergers often fail to bring expected benefits: look no further than the break-up of DaimlerChrysler after nine unhappy years. 研究显示,兼并通常不能带来期望的利益:看看戴姆勒-克莱斯勒在九年不高兴日子后的分手就清楚了。
Research shows that smoking causes premature death, cancer and heart disease. 研究表明,吸烟缩短人的寿命、导致癌症和心脏病。
Research shows that the pulse code modulation (PCM), the operating system of the CD, has limitations that so far cannot be overcome. 脉膊把调音(PCM)编码的研究表演,那操作激光唱碟的系统,有限制以到现在为止不能够被克服。
Research shows that yoga helps control or relieve back pain, headache, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue and other diseases. Besides, yoga can improve flexibility, strength and concentration. 研究显示,瑜伽能帮助控制或是减轻背痛、头痛、压力、焦躁、慢性疲劳和其他疾病。此外,瑜伽还能提升柔软度、体力、注意力。
Research shows, people are not highly judge to the system design that the current criminal retry system. 调查表明,人们对现行刑事再审的制度设计评价并不高。
Research suggests that about fifteen different genes play a role in deteriming who is born with the disorder. 研究显示,大约15种不同的基因决定着哪些人与生俱来就有这种障碍。
Research suggests the lake was formed when ice started to build up on the Antarctic mainland around 16 million years ago when the continent was affected by as yet poorly understood climate changes. 研究认为在1千6百万年前,当南极大陆被还不甚了解的气候变迁所影响,开始积冰的时候所形成。

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