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The Barco projector will be used at RMB 500net per session if you select the meeting package.

The Barb is what makes a hook stick in a fishes mouth (or your finger). 倒钩是指钩子钩在鱼嘴里不容易脱落.有些钩子是无倒钩的方便揭开鱼儿也不会容易伤到自己.
The Barclays Bank in London is in a position to open letters of credit in Renmi i agai t our sales confirmation or contract. 伦敦巴克莱银行可以凭我们的销售确认书或合同开立人民币信用证。
The Barclays Bank in London is in a position to open letters of credit in Renminbi against our sales confirmation or contract. 伦敦巴克莱银行可以凭我们的销售确认书或合同开立人民币信用证。
The Barclays Premiership away game against Aston Villa, originally scheduled for New Year's Day, has been moved to Tuesday January 2, kick-off 8pm. 英超比赛客场挑战维拉的比赛,本来定于新年的那天进行,现在被调整到1月2号(周二)进行,在下午8点开赛。
The Barclays Premiership champions have flown north to Blackburn for Wednesday night's Carling Cup third-round tie brimming with confidence. 切尔西将于周三晚上飞往北部的布莱克本,与他们进行联赛杯的第三轮比赛。目前看来,他们充满信心。
The Barco projector will be used at RMB 500net per session if you select the meeting package. 如果您选用此会议包价,影像投影机将享受每次人民币500元的特惠价。
The Baritone is built in one of two shapes: - either in the oblong shape of the trumpet, with the bell pointing directly upward, or oval, with the bell at an angle. 但由于上低音号及粗管上低音号的吹管卷起成为梨形,而不是像长号一般张开,所以它们的音色较和暖、滋润,且富有弹性。
The Baritone is similar to the Euphonium in terms of shape, pitch and range, except that the larger bore of the Euphonium gives its lower notes a broader and mellower timbre. 上低音号及粗管上低音号的音域相同,唯前者的吹管口径较窄,音色较明亮;而后者音色则较阔及较圆滑。
The Baron in the Trees is the wonderfully witty novel of Cosimo's unique arboreal existence. 《树上的男爵》是一部关于柯西莫独一无二的树栖生活的小说,书中的想象力和智慧令人叹服。
The Base features soft pink musk, tree moss, Indonesian patchouli and blonde woods. 基础特征是柔软石竹科的麝香,树藓类植物,印度尼西亚广藿香,金木。
The Basel Capital Accord sets international capital adequacy standards. 巴塞尔资本协议订立了有关资本充足率的国际标准。

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