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We got 4 parts from the extraction of Astragalus variabilis Bunge through systemic research ways of phytochemistry, which respectively are the part of petroleum ether, the part of petroleum ether, the part of EtOA and the part of n-BuOH the part of n-BuOH

We go to the opera now and then. 我们偶尔会去看歌剧。
We go to the tailor to be measured for a suit. 我们去裁缝那儿量身定做一套衣服。
We go to the well site every day. 我们每天早上到井场去。
We goose-step in and goose-step out , change our partners and wander all about , and go back home till we all drop dead . 我们迈着正规的步子进进出出,下班后和其他部门的伙伴一起外出,直到累得筋疲力尽才回家。
We gossip about them and vice versa (=they gossip about us). 我们谈论他们,他们也谈论我们。
We got 4 parts from the extraction of Astragalus variabilis Bunge through systemic research ways of phytochemistry, which respectively are the part of petroleum ether, the part of petroleum ether, the part of EtOA and the part of n-BuOH the part of n-BuOH 摘要采用植物化学成分系统研究的方法,从变异黄芪醇提总浸膏中分段萃取得到石油醚提取部分、氯仿提取部分、乙酸乙酯提取部分和正丁醇提取部分。
We got a 20 percent rake-off on the dishwasher. 我们的洗碗机有百分之二十的回扣。
We got a big old butt load of floating debris out here. 我们找到一个废旧的大垃圾堆,里面都是飘浮着的残骸。
We got a bird's-eye view of the city from here. 从这儿我们能够看到城市的全景。
We got a fright when he suddenly guffawed. 他突然地“狂笑”,把我们都吓了一跳。
We got a lot of road to cover. 这句不错,叫做很长的路要赶。

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