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After induction every patient was etposed lottic in classic and by angulus oris.
诱导后每一例先由传统方法显露声门 ,再由左侧口角插入喉镜显露声门 ,记录喉镜插入的深度 ,声门显露程度 ,及操作者视点下移的高度。

After halting treatment and follow-up study for ~ weeks,for group ,CHB of 8 in (8.%) patients who were cured in the near future recrudesced,ALT mounted up,HBeAg and HBV DNA converted to positive. 停药随访~周,苦参素组 例近期治愈者8例(8.%)复发,ALT升高,HBeAg和HBV DNA转阳。
After having mixed, melted, extruded, draughted in bobbin, air- cooled, cutted vertically, film-piled, hot drawed, finished, opened betweenneedle rolls and crimped, we could get split fibre of .~dtex. 混合后,经熔融挤压、上吹筒膜、空冷、纵向切条、叠膜、加热牵伸、上油、针辊开纤、卷曲,可制得纤度为.~dtex的膜纤。
After holding min, the semisolid grains become coarse and the coarsening mechanism is Ostwald ripening. 等温 min后, 半固态颗粒发生长大, 其长大机制为Ostwald熟化。
After hybridization the slides were uncovered, washed by SSC+0.% SDS, 0.% SSC+0.% SDS, 0.% SSC orderly, and then given an airing. 揭开盖玻片,分别用×SSC+0.%SDS,0.%×SSC+0.%SDS,0.%×SSC洗涤0min,室温晾干。
After hyperbaric oxygenation treatment ,HIE infants' CD 、CD、 CD/CD8 decent obviously,but only CD8 ascend obviously (P <0.0). HBO治疗后对比HBO治疗前CD 、CD、CD/CD8均明显下降,而β-EP、CD8则显著上升(P<0.0)。
After induction every patient was etposed lottic in classic and by angulus oris. 诱导后每一例先由传统方法显露声门 ,再由左侧口角插入喉镜显露声门 ,记录喉镜插入的深度 ,声门显露程度 ,及操作者视点下移的高度。
After it becomes a formal and effective document, Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgment in Civil and Commercial Matters will provide new legal background, which will help Lis Pendens be just. 《海牙管辖权公约 (草案 )》一旦正式成文并生效 ,将提供一种全新的法律背景 ,有助于未决诉讼制度公正目的的实现
After it is confirmed that unstability of pfluger's rod is caused by divergence,not by flutter. it is pointed out that the critical load can be determined by applying the conventional iterative technique for Rayleigh quotient. 在证实Pfluger柱以发散型失稳之后,指出采用通常的瑞利商迭代技术便可简单地获得临界载荷。
After modified HB-AlO by superacid, SO--Fe, /Hβ-AlO catalyst had higher activity; average conversion of butene was .88%. 经超强酸改性后制得的 SO-FeO /Hβ-AlO 催化剂具有较高的活性,烯烃转化率平均为 .88%;
After nutrition intervention, average intake per day of heat energy, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, ferrum, zincum, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B and vitamin C were higher than those of control group(P<0.0). 营养干预后,实验组孕妇热能、蛋白质、碳水化物、钙、铁、锌、维生素A、维生素B、维生素B、维生素C等平均每日摄入量均高于对照组(P均<0.0)。
After peeled, they are .8 N/mm~ and N/mm~, respectively. 基部去掉蔗皮后,弹性模量的平均值为.8N/mm,最大抗弯强度的平均值为N/mm;

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