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The company follows the thoughts of management occupies the mercy by benignity and steady, standard, development .

The company faces tough competition. 这家公司面临着艰难的竞争。
The company fails to pay on the date stipulate in the contract. 该公司没有按合同中规定的日期付款。
The company firstly appeared in 2002, the predecessor was a private enterprise that has dealt in the motorcycle parts for many years. 公司始创于2002年,前身是一家多年经营摩托车零件的私营企业。
The company flew the teams into New York for an exhaustive marathon brainstorming session. 公司用飞机把这些小组成员派往纽约,进行了一场马拉松式的旷日持久的智囊讨论会议。
The company follows ISO9001‘s quality stan-dard,and with the perfect aftersale service,as well as the needs of satisfide customer for our the per-son who seeks the highest objective,and hope and all circles is deovloped altogethet,and the zeal welcomes th 公司遵循ISO9001质量标准,以完善的售后服务,以及满足客户的需要为我们所追求的最高目标,愿与各界人士携手合作,共图发展,热忱欢迎国内外新老客户光临惠顾!
The company follows the thoughts of management occupies the mercy by benignity and steady, standard, development . 公司遵循“居仁由义”的管理思想和“稳健、规范、发展”的经营理念。
The company formerly belonged to an international banking group . 该公司以前隶属于一个国际银行集团.
The company formerly belonged to an international banking group. 该公司以前隶属於一个国际银行集团.
The company formulates the rule of deed. 公司指定了行为规则。
The company foshan haitian flavouring&food co.,ltd offers services from the ranges Models, Vinegar in addition to Models. 醋、模型、模式、样(式、本品、机)、型(号、式)和泡沫模型是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。
The company from starts an undertaking until now, the process all staff's unremitting endeavor, has the abundant technical force and the advanced production equipment, and consummation management system. 公司从创业至今,经过全体员工的不懈努力,拥有雄厚的技术力量和先进的生产设备,及完善的管理体系。

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