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Faceless, bodilessvirtualcommunication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower.

Faced with the threat of a full-scale military invasion, the general has no choice but to cooperate. 面临全面型的军事侵略,这个将军只能选择配合。
Faced with the unknown dangers of the Outland the night elves have once again sounded the Horn of Cenarius, summoning the ancient spirits of the forests to aid the Alliance in their hour of need. 面对野外不可预知的危险,暗夜精灵们又一次吹响了塞纳留斯的号角,召唤森林中的古老精灵在需要的时候帮助联盟。
Faced with the various problems of the present pedagogic instruction in the context of compulsory education curriculums reform, we can apply narrating into the pedagogic classroom teaching reform, which is of actual significance to cultivate professional 摘要新课程背景下,高等师范院校公共教育学教学面临诸多新问题,在其课堂教学改革中,应当尝试新的教育理论表达方式。
Faced with two almost simultaneous tasks less than 300 milliseconds apart, the brain's ability to deal with the second one slows down. 当大脑在间隔不到300毫秒的时间里同时处理两件事情时,大脑对于第二件事情的反应就要慢一些。
Faced with two equally undesirable alternatives. 进退维谷,左右为难面临两种同样不受欢迎的选择
Faceless, bodilessvirtualcommunication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. 和面对面的交谈相比,这种见不着面、看不见人的“虚”的交流可能会使人从心理上缺乏满足感。人们通过这种交流结下的友谊也不会太深。
Faceless, nameless, innocent, blameless and free, what's that like to be? 没有面容,没有姓名,天真,清白,自由,这是怎样一种生命?
Faces of anguish, despair, horror and grief minutes after U.S. troops shot their innocent parents dead in Baghdad! 痛苦、绝望、恐惧和悲伤的面孔。当美国军队在巴格达枪杀他们无辜的父母时。
Faces were somber as the dean commemorated the dead, but graduates broke out in cheers and tossed their mortarboards in the air as the ceremony concluded. 当校长纪念死去的学生,一张张阴沉,当典礼到了尾声,毕业生们发出欢呼声,并将毕业帽丢入空中。
Faceted clear crystal Miniature Cat with a flexible metal tail; Jet crystal nose and eyes. 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶微型猫与一条灵活的金属尾巴;喷气机水晶鼻子和眼睛。
Faceted clear crystal body with Jet crystal eyes; gold-plated details; blue satin ribbon. 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶身体与喷气机水晶眼睛;金子被镀的细节;蓝色缎丝带。

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