The traffic accident is caused by neglectful driving.
这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽. |
The traffic accident led to a chain of events.
交通事故引起了一连串的事件。 |
The traffic accident resulted from negligent driving.
这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽. |
The traffic accident was result in the neglect of driver.
这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽. |
The traffic conditions are very good.
交通条件十分优越。 |
The traffic due to carelessness.
这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽. |
The traffic flow model can fully exert agent's autonomy and cooperation to show the complicated trait of mixed-traffic.
所提出的交通流模型能够充分发挥智能体的自治性和相互协作性,体现我国城域混合交通流的复杂性特点。 |
The traffic flow system is a vehicles' gather.
交通流中的系统是一组车辆的集合。 |
The traffic had to follow a diversion because of an accident on the main road.
因为大街上发生交通事故,车辆只好改道行驶。 |
The traffic in this city is arranged in apple-pie order.
这个城市的交通管理井井有条。 |
The traffic is backed up for miles.
由于交通阻塞,车子排了好几英里。 |