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He took his accustomed seat by the fire.

He took down the minute in shorthand. 他将会议记录速记下来。
He took firmly attitude to this case. 他对这件事采取坚定的态度。
He took great exception to what I said. 他极力反对我的话。
He took her by the hand and said to her, Talitha koum!(which means, Little girl, I say to you, get up!). 41就拉着孩子的手,对她说,大利大古米。翻出来,就是说,闺女,我吩咐你起来。
He took her hand and led her to the pier. 他拉着她的手带者她来到码头。
He took his accustomed seat by the fire. 他坐在火炉旁他常坐的座位上.
He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relations tribunal. 他将其遭不公正解雇一事上诉劳工关系法庭。
He took his doctor's degree at Harvard . 他在哈佛得了博士学位。
He took his doctor's degree at Harvard. 他在哈佛得了博士学位。
He took his fruit into town but not to the market. 他把他的水果拿到镇上去而不是市场。
He took his girlfriend home after the party and they stayed in the car billing and cooing for a long time before she went into her house. 聚会结束后他送他的女朋友回家,他俩在车上亲昵低语了很久后她才下车进屋。

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