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Part of speech tagging, as part of syntactic tagging, is to mark each word's part of speech in
a sentence, according to its definition and context.

Part of my job at the state fish and wildlife department is to lend equipment to residents for trapping and relocating raccoons. 我在州政府鱼类和野生动物部门工作时,负责向居民们出借捕浣熊的装备。
Part of my job is to maintain good relationship with our suppliers. 我的部分工作是同我们的供应商保持良好的关系。
Part of my process of revision is to eliminate the extra parts. 我的修改过程中有一部分便是删除多余的部分。
Part of our products have obtained national patent right which is reserved. 注:本公司部分产品已取得国家生产专利权,有冒仿者,本公司会追究责任.
Part of releasing a program under the GPL is writing a copyright notice in your own name (assuming you are the copyright holder). 以GPL发布程序(所要做)的一部分就是以你的名字写一份版权标记(假设你是版权持有者)。
Part of speech tagging, as part of syntactic tagging, is to mark each word's part of speech in<br>a sentence, according to its definition and context. 词性标注是根据词义及其上下文信息,标注出其在句中所属词类的过程,属于句法范畴的标注。
Part of that is a vision of integration we have, of actually having the local information we access on the PC be as easy to get to as remote information. 部份那是我们有的整合一个视觉,实际上有我们在个人计算机上同样地存取的地方性的数据是容易到达如遥远的数据。
Part of the easinessof faster playing is that we accept more sloppiness since it goes by so fast. 我们认为部分让人感觉简单的快速弹奏,是因为在快速弹奏中马虎凌乱的处理。
Part of the Advance Guard that helps Harry in his escape from the Dursley house (OP3-9, 35). 是帮助哈利逃出达力家的先遣警卫一员(凤凰社第三至九章、第三十五章)。
Part of the Africa will break away from the rest of Africa. 东非的一部分将与非洲的其余部分分离。
Part of the English exam is a dictation . 这次英语考试的一部分是听写。

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