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The scientists also found that the cilia's motion was important for the amount and efficiency of proteins in the spinal fluid that usher the new neurons on their way by chemically repelling them from certain sites.

The scientist was at his desk early and late looking for the information he needed. 那位科学家从早到晚伏案工作,寻找他所需要的信息。
The scientist was isolated in a special room. 问题被深入细致的努力解决了!
The scientist will give us a talk on “Air and Water”. 那位科学家要给我们作一次关于“空气和水”的报告。
The scientist's report was so instructive that we were all very excited. 科学家的报告很有启发性,我们感到很兴奋。
The scientists - using their strongest language yet on the issue - said now that world has begun to warm, hotter temperatures and rises in sea level would continue for centuriesno matter how much humans control their pollution. 科学家们在他们的报告中用了最最强烈的语言表示,现在全球已经开始的变暖,高温以及海平面升高问题“将持续数个世纪”,无论人们如何控制污染。
The scientists also found that the cilia's motion was important for the amount and efficiency of proteins in the spinal fluid that usher the new neurons on their way by chemically repelling them from certain sites. 科学家也发现纤毛的运动,对于在脊髓液中蛋白质的数量和功效很重要,通过化学方法从某个地方抵制脊髓液中的蛋白质,在它们途中引导新的神经元。
The scientists also studied the impact of vitamins C, E and beta carotene on cancer but they did not find any evidence that individual antioxidants were as protective as fruit. 科学家还研究了维生素C、维生素E和β胡萝卜素对癌症的抵抗作用,但他们没有找到任何证据显示单一的抗氧化剂能比水果更有效。
The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法。
The scientists are in search of a new element. 科学家们正在寻找一种新元素。
The scientists are still at issue about the plan for building the space laboratory. 关于这项建造太空实验室的计划,科学家们的意见还不一致。
The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of researching outer space. 科学家仍致力于发明新的探索外层空间的方法.

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