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“To learn they can not make anyone love them, all they can do is let themselves be loved.

“To execute laws is a royal office; to execute orders is not to be a king” (Edmund Burke). “执行法律是项神圣的工作;执行命令不能成为国王”(埃蒙德·伯克)。
“To find my Brother's murderer and bring him to justice,’ said the Paladin. “去找他,那个杀死我哥哥的凶手,我要缉拿他,”圣骑士说。
“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. 要发明,你就需要一个很好的想像力和一堆杂物。
“To learn forgive by practicing forgiveness. 学会宽容和原谅。
“To learn that they cannot make anyone love them, all they can do is to let themselves be loved. “要知道,他们不能让所有的人都爱他们,他们唯一可做的,是让他们自己值得被爱。”
“To learn they can not make anyone love them, all they can do is let themselves be loved. 让他们知道不能让所有的人都爱他们,珍惜自己的生命才能被爱。
“To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved. 让他们不要逼迫别人爱上吧,也是就是他们要学的吧.他们要做的就是爱他们自己吧.
“To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness. “要通过练习宽恕别人而学会宽恕。”
“To me, adult appearance was very unattractive, alarming and terrifying, stilted, confined and ugly. It was something I knew I didn't want to grow into . 对我来说,成人的穿着是毫无吸引力和震撼力,做作,拘束和丑陋.我知道我一直不愿意长大.
“To see the universal and all-pervading spirit of truth face to face one must be able to love the meanest of creatures as oneself. “真理的精神遍布各地、处处皆有。但若想面对它,必须像爱护自己那样爱护地位最低微的人”。
“To stay motivated towards keeping on recovery…in the recovery process, I have to program my life. I work. I make appointments. I make plans with people. 在持续治疗过程中,保持治疗的动机。。。在治疗过程中,我必须去安排我的生活。我要工作。我要和他人见面。我要和别人拟订计划。

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