So looking up to the heavens he says, Excuse me God, can I ask you a few questions? |
中文意思: 所以他抬头看着天空说到:“上帝打扰一下您,我可以问你几个问题吗?” |
So long, Pop! I'm off to check my tiger trap!
再见啦,老爸!我要去看看我用来抓老虎的陷阱! |
So look around the world, the area crossed by tropic of cancer may possibly find the trails of such serial meteorites spread.
那么,放眼世界,整个环球北回归线穿越地区都可能有该系列陨石群散落的痕迹。 |
So look now and Find all our sites!!
如此现在看和发现所有我们的站点!! |
So look out for more Harry Potter soon!
期待早日见到更多的哈里波特作品吧! |
So looking into the similarities and differences between them, and finding their hidden, regular and successful experiences have great enlightening significance and reference value to modern scholars.
故探讨和比较两人的同异之处,找出其中所潜藏的规律性的成功经验,对当代学人无疑具有重大启发意义和借鉴价值。 |
So looking up to the heavens he says, Excuse me God, can I ask you a few questions?
所以他抬头看着天空说到:“上帝打扰一下您,我可以问你几个问题吗?” |
So mUch foR my hApPy Ending.!
只是为了给我一个,快乐的结局.! |
So mad, he can't wait for October.
如此痴迷,以至于他都没有耐心等到10份开赛。 |
So mad, he's going to renew his four season seats.
如此狂热,以至于他又打算买四个赛季的季票。 |
So magician turn over the first card of this group, and that is the card, which picked by spectator.
如此魔术师移交这个小组第一卡片,并且那是观众的卡片。 |
So make him come here to me, for it is certainly right for him to be put to death.
现在你要打发人去、将他捉拿交给我.他是该死的。 |