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The TV plays and movies adapted from the chivalry fiction are even more appealing to the inexperienced teenagers and the ill-educated audience.

The TV news turned (people's) attention to the flood around Chongqing. 电视新闻使人们的注意力转移到重庆周围的水灾上去。
The TV news warned us of the coming typhoon. 电视新闻警告我们要防范即将来袭的台风。
The TV play received considerable acclaim. 这部电视剧获得很高评价。
The TV play was based on real life. 那出电视剧是根据现实生活写成的。
The TV play was produced in cooperation with CCTV. 这部电视剧是与中央电视台合作制作的.
The TV plays and movies adapted from the chivalry fiction are even more appealing to the inexperienced teenagers and the ill-educated audience. 据之改编的影视作品,更可以吸引广大不谙世事的青少年以及文化程度不高的受众。
The TV series of Tiger Roaring at the Firma-mentis produced here. 影视剧《虎啸苍穹》等就是在这里拍摄完成的。
The TV set has a year's guarantee. 这架电视机有一年的保修期。
The TV set was damaged from rough usage. 这架电视机由于使用太不小心而损坏了。
The TV show featured a great lineup of performers. 电视展现出了这个演义节目的重大阵容。
The TV show that can't be shown on TV! 不能在电视上被显示出的电视表演!

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