You're going to buy the game to reassure yourself that it's NOT good. The comedy.
你买这个游戏是为了确认它不是很好而安慰自己?太幽默了! |
You're going to fail your exams if you don't work hard.' That's my funeral, not yours.'
`你要不努力, 考试就不会及格.'`倒霉是我自己的事, 跟你没关系.' |
You're going to find these spots anyway as you travel throughout the world, so why not cash in on them?
但是大多数人都会同时学习采矿和铁匠技能,或者采矿和机械制造技能。 |
You're going to have to put that on the back burner till you return.
在你回来之前,你得照原样将它保管好。 |
You're going to have to rewrite this essay - at the moment, it's just drivel.
你得重写这篇文章——按现在的情形看,它根本就是言之无物。 |
You're going to keep snakes! Whatever next?
你打算养蛇!下一步还想干什麽? |
You're going to tell them our secrets.
你会告诉他们我们的秘密。 |
You're gone someplace else now.
现在你一定去了别的什么地方。 |
You're gonna blow them out of the water.
你一定会把他们打得片甲不留. |
You're gonna love this, I predict it.
我相信,你会享受这一切的。 |
You're gonna say, it looks good. In profile especially, it's just stunning.
你会说她看上去很美,特别是在轮廓上,他简直太棒了! |