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If the US economy enters a rece ion it may derail the economic recovery in the Asian region.

If the Tropical Cyclone Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled 2 hours before the start of the programmes, all programmes will be held as scheduled. 如在兴趣班/活动集合时间前少于两小时改悬挂三号风球或卸下黑色暴雨警告,所有兴趣班/活动应仍旧取消。
If the Tropical Cyclone Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled within 2 hours before the start of the programmes, all programmes will be cancelled. 如在兴趣班/活动集合时间前少于两小时改悬挂三号风球或卸下黑色暴雨警告,所有兴趣班/活动应仍旧取消。
If the U.S. and its allies prevail in a relatively quick war with minimal loss of life, if further evidence of Saddam's malevolent intent surfaces, and if the Iraqi people welcome allied forces as liberators rather than conquerors, then quibbles about leg 如果美国及其联盟国家在相对快速的时间内以最少的人员伤亡获胜,如果萨达姆恶毒目的的证据进一步显露,如果伊拉克人民以解放者而不是侵略者来欢迎美军,那么有关合法性的遁词可能被忽略了。
If the U.S. carried out air strikes on Iran, or worse still, if they sub-contracted this task to Israel, it would definitely increase anti-western sentiment in the Middle East and possibly destabilize the entire region. 如果美国对伊朗发动空袭或者采取更甚一筹的行动,如果他们把这一任务转交给以色列来处理,那么这必将使中东地区的反西方情绪高涨,并有可能破坏该地区的稳定。
If the UI changes, the kludge can be redone without affecting a single script. 而如果用户界面发生改变,则可以在不影响单个脚本的情况下重建组装件。
If the US economy enters a rece ion it may derail the economic recovery in the Asian region. 如果美国经济进入衰退期,亚洲各地经济势难复苏。
If the US economy enters a recession it may derail the economic recovery in the Asian region. 如果美国经济进入衰退期,亚洲各地经济势难复苏。
If the US were to reduce the external deficit by $150bn through an improvement in the merchandise trade account for goods, the manufacturing capacity utilisation rate would increase by 7 per cent to 86 per cent. 如果美国要通过改善商品贸易账户来降低1500亿美元的外部赤字,那它的制造业产能利用率就将提高7%,达到86%。
If the US were to seek to eliminate the deficit entirely through a boom in exports or massive import substitution, the utilisation rate would exceed 100 per cent. 如果美国想通过出口激增或大规模进口替代来消灭赤字,那么制造业产能利用率就将超过100%。
If the US were to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan such as the Aegis, that could be very detrimental to China-US relations. 如果美国售予台湾像神盾级战舰般的先进武器,中美关系将会大受影响。
If the USA embraces mistrustful attitude to those who are under 44, it would clog necessarily Jefferson from drafting the Declaration of Independence, obstruct Washington from leading Independent War, prevent Madison from formulating the Constitution, and 倘若美利坚对44岁以下的人抱有不信任态度的话,它必将阻止杰佛逊起草独立宣言,阻止华盛顿领导独立战争,阻止麦迪逊制订宪法,甚至阻止哥伦布发现新大陆!

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