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And the master praised the unrighteous steward because he had acted prudently; for the sons of this age are more prudent in their dealings with their own generation than the sons of light.

And the man, the lord of the land, said to us, By this will I know that you are honest men: Leave one of your brothers with me, and take grain for the famine of your households, and go. 33那人,那地的主,对我们说,若要我知道你们是诚实人,可以留下你们弟兄中的一个在我这里,你们带着粮食回去,救你们家里的饥荒。
And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly. 士19:23那房主出来对他们说、弟兄们哪、不要这样作恶.这人既然进了我的家、你们就不要行这丑事。
And the maps are huge! 但是地图非常巨大!
And the marketing of new toys and games. 我们公司生产儿童玩具和游戏用具。
And the master of that slave was moved with compassion and released him and forgave him the loan. 27那奴仆的主人就动了慈心,把他释放,并且免了他的债。
And the master praised the unrighteous steward because he had acted prudently; for the sons of this age are more prudent in their dealings with their own generation than the sons of light. 8主人就夸奖这不义的管家作事精明;因为今世之子对待自己的世代,比光明之子更加精明。
And the master said to the slave, Go out into the roads and hedges and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled. 23主人对奴仆说,你出去到路上和篱笆那里,勉强人进来,坐满我的屋子。
And the matter was becoming urgent. 如今事情已经是十万火急了。
And the measurement of BEE procurement has had a ripple effect: for instance, when the financial services industry adopted voluntary targets a few years ago, its technology suppliers had to follow suit. 而对BEE采购的衡量标准已带来一个连锁反应:例如,当金融服务行业在几年前义务实施目标,他的技术供应商就必须遵循它。
And the measures for ecological environment factors are still relative incoherent. 就其措施之落实方式可发现兩条并不相关之执行导向,各有执行上的弱点。
And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD; there was no more spirit in her. 5席上的珍馐美味,群臣分列而坐,仆人两旁侍立,以及他们的衣服装饰和酒政的衣服装饰,又见他上耶和华殿的台阶(或作他在耶和华殿里所献的燔祭),就诧异得神不守舍。

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