Joining a pyramid is risky because the vast majority of participants lose money to pay for the rewards of a lucky few.
加入一个金字塔是危险的,因为绝大多数的参与者丢掉了他们的钱,用来支付极少数侥幸者的报酬。 |
Joining forces with Scotland Yard and Interpol, Alex fights his way through a torrent of false leads, impersonators, and foreign agents before he gets close to the heart of the crimes.
在苏格兰场和国际刑警的配合下,亚历克斯在潮水般的错误线索中、在不断与冒名顶替者和外国探员打交道的过程中一路过关斩将,查清了罪恶的根源。 |
Joining the WTO means assuming binding obligations in respect of import policies-obligations which will necessitate an adjustment in China's trade policies and economic restructuring.
加入世贸组织意味着在进口政策方面要承担一些约束性的任务。这就要求中国要调整其贸易政策,并且进行经济体制改革。 |
Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontru er, being returned uno osed.
参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。 |
Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, the frontrunner, being returned unopposed.
参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动当选。 |
Joins Real Madrid as youngster, making slow progress through the ranks.
1974年加入皇马少年队,但进步不快。 |
Joins WTO after the above our country the international trade condition analysis, the our country present stage not only has in the quantity seriously to lack the foreign trade talented person's reality, the talented person which moreover in which only ha
根据上述我国加入WTO后国际贸易状况分析,我国现阶段不仅存在数量上严重缺乏外贸人才的实际,而且在仅有的外贸人才中能够从事基础外贸实务的人才是少之又少,而且随着经济的发展,这种状况势必加剧。 |
Joins pictures. Useful for graphic picture programs.
连接图片。有用的图形图片程序。 |
Joint Ph. D. Candidate of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry and Lanzhou University, Received Ph. D. Degree in 1988.
8兰州大学与中国科学院上海有机化学研究所联合培养博士研究生,1988年8月获博士学位.导师:周维善院士. |
Joint Venture established in China in 1999, ADEN Services (China) is a subsidiary of ADEN Services (Asia) Co., Ltd a leading multi-service provider with offices in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan.
埃顿服务(亚洲)有限公司是多种服务的提供者,在香港、越南、老挝、台湾等地设有办公机构,于1999年在中国大陆合作设立埃顿服务(中国)有限公司。 |
Joint Venture established in China since 1999, ADEN Services (China) is a subsidiary of ADEN Services (Asia) Co., Ltd a leading multi-service provider with offices in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Laos and Taiwan.
埃顿服务(亚洲)有限公司是多种服务的提供者,在香港、越南、老挝、台湾等地设有办公机构,于1999年在中国大陆合作设立埃顿服务(中国)有限公司。 |