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The attendant is good at flattery.

The attempt to portray itself as a “listening” government has been equally inept. 试着将自己描绘成一个“认真倾听”的政府也同样是愚蠢的。
The attempted search came as a senior prosecutor launched an investigation into whether Costas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou tried to avoid a doping test by staging the motorcycle accident. 搜查进行前,资深检查人员已开始对肯特利斯和塔努的离奇摩托车车祸时间进行调查,他怀疑这两名运动员是为了逃避药检而故意制造了这起车祸。
The attempts are made to explore how the personality influences the second language acquisition (SLA) with a view to discovering that the learners' characteristics play a dominant role in determining and predicting L2 learning outcomes on proficiency/achi 摘要主要探讨性格对第二语言习得的影响,以期揭示学习者特征在决定和预测学习者第二语言学习水平、成就及速度方面所起的作用。
The attempts of the U.S. to create pressures for action against Iran were more than reminiscent of the build up to the invasion of Iraq and the issue of Saddam's alleged weapons of mass destruction. 美国的企图是,为对伊朗采取行动施加压力,而这更多地让人回想起为入侵伊拉克所做的准备以及萨达姆所谓的大规模杀伤性武器问题。
The attendance was 250 and tickets cost $10. 出席的人数有250人,门票只需要10美元一张。
The attendant is good at flattery. 那位侍从善于奉承。
The attendant returned my student ID to me . 服务员把学生证还给我了。
The attendant should make the patient happy and hopeful. 探视病人应使患者充满希望和快乐。
The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the running track. 跑道上稍稍有些不平,勤务人员把它弄平整了。
The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive. 侍从们出席会议并装出专注的样子。
The attendees here met in small groups as well as in formal symposia, and included filmmakers, lawmakers, cinema arts students, and other industry constituents from around the world. 与会者在小组和正式的座谈会上会见,其中包括立法者、电影艺术院的学生以及来自世界各地不同行业的人们。

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