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Actin and myoglobulin are the compositions building muscles' stretching function. Microtubulin is the basic substance which provides the flagellum and cilium the function of movement.

Act, act in the living present. 行动,就在此时此刻.
Act: Get your moves on by acting out words and expressions you learn. Or, imagine and act out a situation where you would need to use them. 做动作:把你学过的词、表达方法用动作做出来。或者,想象,然后用动作演绎出一个你需要用这些词汇的情景。
Actaeon lies in wait for Diana, the Huntress hunted, to see her finally dripping wet at her bath, resting from hunt. 阿克铁龙躲藏在那里等待猎人女神戴安娜,为了观看她放下打猎工作最后湿淋地沐浴,女猎人成为被观看的猎物。
Actaeon, uncontrollably excited, can take no more of this abomination that flouts his desire. “ Shameless bitch!” he cries. 阿克铁龙激情到无法控制,不再能够忍受这种撩拨他欲望的可憎行径:「好个不知羞耻的母狗!」他喊叫起来。
Actaris is a worldwide provider of meters, systems and services, active in all utility sectors: electricity, gas, water and heat. 爱拓利公司是一家提供仪表、计量系统及服务,活跃在电、气、水及热能等公用事业领域的大型跨国公司。
Actin and myoglobulin are the compositions building muscles' stretching function. Microtubulin is the basic substance which provides the flagellum and cilium the function of movement. 肌动蛋白及肌球蛋白乃是构成肌肉伸缩机构的组成部分,微管蛋白是赋予鞭毛及纤毛能动的基本物质。
Actin, the major component of the dynamic microfilament cytoskeleton system, exists in nearly all eukaryotic cells and plays essential roles in cellular activities. 摘要肌动蛋白在真核生物中广泛存在,由肌动蛋白参与形成的动态微丝骨架系统是细胞生命活动的基础。
Acting Jianzhang formed, billing declared operational, generation to financial analysis, financial planning, accounting urgent accounts, the preparation of investment projects and feasibility studies will be administrative advice, the preparation of proje 代理建帐建制、记帐申报业务、代编财务分析、理财策划、会计电算化核算、投资项目可行政性论证编制和咨询、代编工程预决算、企业管理、绩效考核和薪酬设计。
Acting Premier Eric Ripper said he would have no problem drinking recycled waste water, but agreed there was public concern on the issue. 代理总裁艾里克里浦称他会豪不犹豫地饮用回收废水,但他也同意公众会关注这个问题。
Acting accounting operations; Commodity information advice, business advisory services (excluding provisions for control of national policy, the franchise project). 代理记帐业务;商品信息咨询、企业咨询服务(不含国家政策规定的专控、专营项目)。
Acting and direction are several notches up on the standards we are used to. 表演和导演水平远在我们熟知的标准之上.

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