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His illness was a blessing in disguise, because he afterwards married his nurse.

His illness is still contagious and he must be kept away from other people. 他的疾病有传染性,必须把他和其他人隔离开来.
His illness leaves many wondering if Democrats will lose their newly-won control of the Senate. 他的病情让人怀疑,民主党是否会失去最近在参议院中赢得的掌控权。
His illness left him very weak. 他的病使他身体很虚弱。
His illness put a crimp in our plans. 他的生病妨碍了我们的计画。
His illness started with a slight cough. 他的病是从轻微的咳嗽开始的。
His illness was a blessing in disguise, because he afterwards married his nurse. 他生病倒是因祸得福,因为后来他和他的护士结了婚。
His illness was a severe one. 他的病是严重的一种。
His illness was due to bad food. 他的病是由于食物太差引起的。
His illness was due to overwork. 他的病是由于工作过度。
His illness was fatal to our plan. 他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。
His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。

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