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According to relevant rules and technical data of this ship's drawing, inspect the quality of hull structure、cabin arrangement, all kinds of deck machinery and living facilities installation, all kinds of fire protection 、lifesaving and safety equipment w

According to recording data of higher level monitor and control system when main motor drive system for four-high medium plate mill is operated, and relation between armature voltage of DC electromotor and AC input voltage of inverter, trip cause of DC fa 根据中板四辊轧机主电机传动系统运行时的上级监控系统记录数据,以及直流电机电枢电压与变流器交流侧输人电压的关系,详尽地分析了直流快速自动开关跳闸故障原因,并提出具体的对策及措施。
According to recording: Gynostemma pentaphyllum can clear away heat, detoxify, relieve a cough, eliminate the phlegm, can replace ginseng make and mend angry medicine, still have magical efficiency of resisting the cancer, all cards are effective in cure 据记载:绞股蓝能清热、解毒、止咳、祛痰,可代替人参作补气药,还具抗癌的神奇功效,对传染性肝炎、气管炎、气虚诸证也有疗效。
According to regional differentiation, heat balance of surface water, mobility and transfer of elements, and properties of ecological environment, they complete various natural divisions, ecological environment divisions, agricultural and economic divisio 根据地域分异、地表水热平衡、元素迁移转化、生态环境特征,完成了各种自然区划、生态环境区划、农业和经济区划,在国民经济建设中得到了广泛的应用。
According to regulation and detailed rules and regulations regulation,the foreign bank branch should be miscellaneous and trivial registering for corporation organization requires that the course is strict examining and approving procedures , be confronte 按照条例和细则规定,外资银行分行要注册为法人机构需要经过严格繁琐的审批手续,注册成功后还面临着网硬件设施不足,而成为法人机构后给大客户的贷款不得超过法人注册资本的10%,在利润丰厚的零售业务上暂时还无法与国内金融机构抗衡。
According to regulations of the Pepole's Bank of China, the minimum deposit for corporation is USD 50,000.00 or other equivalent exchangeable currency, for individual is USD 10,000.00 or other exchangeable equivalent currency. 根据中国人民银行规定,离岸账户非居民法人最低存款为等值5万美元的可自由兑换货币,非居民自然人最低存款为等值1万美元的可自由兑换货币。
According to relevant rules and technical data of this ship's drawing, inspect the quality of hull structure、cabin arrangement, all kinds of deck machinery and living facilities installation, all kinds of fire protection 、lifesaving and safety equipment w 按照本船之图纸有关规则及技术资料,检查本船之船体结构质量、舱室布置、各种甲板机械和生活设施的安装、各种防火、救生和安全设施的配置是否满足要求。
According to reliant data and chemical theory, the new method and new thinking of industrial chromium residue and chromium-contained wastewater treatment are put forward and applied into practice. 摘要本文以可靠的数据和化学原理,针对工业铬渣和含铬废水的实际情况提出处理的新方法和新思路,并应用于实践。
According to report hes not coming back. 根据风声,他不回来了。
According to reports from Spain, the English champions have also launched an audacious bid in the region of 3.5million Euros for Fabio Cannavaro. 来自西班牙的报道说,这支英超冠军球队也对法比奥卡纳瓦罗开出了大约3500000欧元的天价。
According to reports in Norway, Oslo police have decided to prosecute former Lyn director Morgan Anderson for forging Mikel's contract in April 2005. 根据挪威方面报道,奥斯陆警方已经决定控告前利恩主席摩根-安德森,原因是他在2005年伪造了米克尔的工作合同。
According to reports in daily To Vima the government has delayed payment for a multimillion dollar communications system to a U.S.-led consortium. 报导中指出,政府延迟对美国财团所主导的通讯系统付百万元款项。

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