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To add to their slender income, she went every day to read to Aunt March, a peppery old lady; and Meg, too, earned a small salary as daily nursery governess to a neighbor's children.

To add the key characteristic mark what the customers required in the present drawing , artwork and operation instruction . 在现使用的图纸、工艺、作业指导书中,按顾客要求加入关键特性标识。
To add to the misery of devastating fires ,a strong earthquake could magnitude of five struck southern Greece Tuesday. 祸不单行,除了这灾难性的火灾,在希腊的南部又发生了五级强烈地震。
To add to the misery of the devastating fires, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 5 struck southern Greece Tuesday. 给这场大火浇油的是星期二发生在希腊南部的5级地震。
To add to the misery of the devastating fires, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of five struck southern Greece Tuesday. 在灾难性火灾的同时,一股强烈的5级地震星期二袭击了希腊南部。
To add to their bliss, Xiao Qi finds that she is carrying Dong Yong's child. 小七发现怀了董永的孩子,夫妻俩兴奋不已。
To add to their slender income, she went every day to read to Aunt March, a peppery old lady; and Meg, too, earned a small salary as daily nursery governess to a neighbor's children. 为了要增加她们微薄的收入,她每天去给马奇姑姑,一个暴躁的老太太朗读;梅格也每天去做邻居孩子们的保姆以挣得些微薄的工资。
To address Climate Change within the framework of sustainable development. (二)在可持续发展的框架内应对气候变化。
To address a mail message, click,To,Cc,or Bcc,then click compose. 如要填写邮件地址,请点击“收件人”,“抄送人”,“密送人”,然后点击“编写”按钮。
To address that imbalance, the government has begun work on a grandiose, and controversial, “South-to-North” transfer project, which would pump water along channels from the Yangtze River in southern China to replenish the country's thirsty north, includi 为了缓解这种不平衡的现象,中国政府已经开始了一项宏伟壮观,但饱受争议的“南水北调”工程,此项工程旨在抽调南方充沛的长江水来滋润包括黄河在内的缺水北方。
To address the issue of membership, the president-elect said that he will ask every Rotary club to recruit just one new member in 2005-06 to reach a modest goal of a total membership increase of 31,000. 并提及社员的议题,社长当选人说他会要求每一个扶轮社于2005-06年度,仅仅需招募一位新社员以达成一个总社员数增加31,000位之审慎目标。
To address the question of difficulty we have expanded the quick-mission maker to include co-op. 为了解决这个难题我们已经扩展了快速任务制作器,把合作模式包含了进去。

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