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Evolution may have led women to prefer taller men.

Evolution could be disproved in other ways, too. 演化也可以用别的方法驳倒。
Evolution doesn't do medicine, it does new types of organisms. 进化并不搞医学,它搞新类型的有机体。
Evolution for 1000000 years process is hit by human being in several, except cerebrum's evolution speed happens change body's inherent latent energy and the motion cell of organization are proceeded orderly other than, degenerating. 人类在几百万年的进化过程中,除了大脑的进化速度发生改变以外,身体的内在潜能和运动组织细胞被逐步退化。
Evolution has thus arranged things so that if a woman does cuckold (a man married to an unfaithful wife) her man, she is likely to gain the maximum advantage in terms of children with good immune systems, and sons who will have similarly rakish (having a 人类的进化就是这么安排的,所以,如果一个女性红杏出墙,搞婚外情,她实际上是从孩子的角度出发,为了让孩子在免疫系统方面获得最大的优势,这样孩子们就会拥有类似的英俊外表和言谈举止。
Evolution is the result of host virus interactions on a large scale and is the cause of emerging virus. 病毒进化是病毒与宿主相互作用的结果,也是新病毒出现的原因。
Evolution may have led women to prefer taller men. 进化可能使女人更钟情于高个男人。
Evolution of 3 paradigms in modern karst study is reviewed. 回顾了近代岩溶学三种“范式”的更替历史。
Evolution of Intra-class Endogamy in Modern China. Chinese Journal of Population Sciences, No. 4, 2003. “中国阶层内婚制的延续”,《中国人口科学》,2003年第4期。
Evolution, it seems, has determined which species are allowed to express telomerase in their somatic cells in order to maintain a delicate balance between cells that live long, and cells that become cancerous. 似乎进化决定了老鼠体细胞对端区酶的表达,得以在长寿命细胞和癌变细胞之间维持一个精细的平衡。
Evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond of the University of California at Los Angeles once classified humans as the “third chimpanzee” (the second being the bonobo). 美国演化生物学家戴蒙曾经把人类归属于「第三种黑猩猩」。
Evolutionary biologists passionately debate diverse topics: how speciation happens, the rates of evolutionary change, the ancestral relationships of birds and dinosaurs, whether Neandertals were a species apart from modern humans, and much more. 演化生物学家热烈辩论的题材可多了:新物种如何形成、演化速率、鸟类与恐龙的亲缘关系、尼安德塔人与现代人是否同一个物种……多著哪!

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