The peace Paul describes is very real and practical.
保罗描写的平安是一种真实且实际的感受。 |
The peace group welcomes all kinds of co-operations and expects to Co-develop With all talents joining with us from our ideal of broad minds and high hopes.
海纳百川、有容乃大。和平集团欢迎各种形式的合作,期待各方志士加盟以实现共创、共荣、共发展。 |
The peace issue remains uppermost.
(和平问题仍是最主要的问题。) |
The peace of the chitta (or mind stuff) can be brought about through the practice of sympathy, tenderness, steadiness of purpose, and dispassion in regard to pleasure or pain, or towards all forms of good or evil.
自心清明或是意识种性得以纯净来自于同情(施舍)、仁慈(慈悲)、坚信(诚信)和面对喜与痛、善与恶的静定。 |
The peace of the realm was broken only when nature itself rebelled, withering the land in a decade of thirst.
只有当自然本身背叛了人们之时,这里的安宁才会被破坏:十年的干旱榨干了大地。 |
The peace of the world is relative to everyone.
世界和平问题关系到每一个人. |
The peace of world is refer to each other.
世界和平问题关系到每一个人. |
The peace prize, worth 10 million kronor (EUR 1.25 million), will be announced October 14 in Oslo, Norway.
诺贝尔和平奖价值1000万瑞典克郎(折合125万欧元),今年的诺贝尔和平奖将于10月14日在挪威奥斯陆颁发。 |
The peace process largely reflects the acceptance by General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's leader, of what has long been obvious: big India will never concede an inch of Kashmir, whatever littler Pakistan does.
和平进程很大程度上反映了巴基斯坦领导人穆沙拉夫将军长久以来持有的看法,即“无论弱小巴基斯坦怎么做,强大的印度将不会在克什米尔问题上作任何让步”,这是显而易见的。 |
The peace process will be going on and Indo-Pak relations will be improved further, unless the occurrence of paroxysmal event in this area.
在克什米尔问题上两国积极的互动,又给人们一线新的希望。 |
The peace talk broke down without any agreement being reached.
和平谈判破局了,没有达成任何协议。 |