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On the Noise Problem of Wire Braider and Its Eliminating Cover Design

On the Logical Components of Rights 试论权利的逻辑构成
On the Mechanics of shot Putting 铅球出手力学问题的分析
On the Mechanism of the Currency Crises in Emerging Markets 新兴市场货币危机机理研究
On the Methodology Characteristic of Fuller's Neo-Natural Law 论富勒新自然法学的方法论特征
On the Modernity Impress of the Goddess 论《女神》的现代性特征
On the Noise Problem of Wire Braider and Its Eliminating Cover Design 钢丝编织机噪声问题及其消音罩的设计
On the Nonlinear Superposition Formula of a Seventh Order KdV Equation 关于7阶Lax系KdV方程的非线性叠加公式
On the Object of the Crime of Illegal Trusion into Other Persons'Residence and "No Trial without Complaint 论非法侵入住宅罪的对象及亲告问题
On the Objects and Nature of the Verity of News 论新闻真实的对象与本质
On the Optimized Construction of Precast Beam 预制梁先简支后连续的优化施工
On the Overseas Trade and Maritime Smuggle of Chaozhou from the Tang to the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty 试论唐至清初潮州的海外贸易与海上走私

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