America‘s Next Top Model‘ follows a group of young women of various shapes, sizes and backgrounds who live together in a loft and vie for a modeling contract. |
中文意思: 全美超模吸引了一群不同类型,身材,跟背景的女生,而她们将共同住在一个房子里面为了模特合同而竞争. |
Americans, she reckons, are a bit neurotic about adultery; in other countries it counts as a regrettable lapse, but not necessarily an unforgivable act of heinous betrayal.
她认为美国人对于通奸行为有点儿神经质;在其它国家这只能算是一种令人遗憾的堕落,而不是一种不可原谅、十恶不赦的背叛行为。 |
Americans, traditionally, love to fight.
美国人有着喜爱奋斗的传统。 |
Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.
美国人:请你变线,偏北15度,以免撞船。 |
Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision.
美:为了避免冲撞,建议你往北调整你的航线15度. |
Americans: This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
美:我是这艘美国海军战舰的船长.我再说一遍,调整你的航线. |
America‘s Next Top Model‘ follows a group of young women of various shapes, sizes and backgrounds who live together in a loft and vie for a modeling contract.
全美超模吸引了一群不同类型,身材,跟背景的女生,而她们将共同住在一个房子里面为了模特合同而竞争. |
Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves Cádiz for his first voyage to the New World.
1497年的今天,阿美利哥·维斯普西声称他离开卡迪兹航海前往“新世界”。 |
Amerimine has not identified specific parcels it will acquire at this time.
美国矿产公司此次没有发现其想要购买的具体土地。 |
Amerimine, through its subsidiary AUI, intends to enter the forestry business in China, with emphasis on plantation forestry.
美国矿产公司试图通过其子公司AUI在中国开展林业业务,重点放在植树造林方面。 |
Amesh, having been prevented from killing Jaypreesh (the giant who wants to ritually purgeNaja's pregnancy), takes his frustrations out on the door frame.
被阻止出手杀死杰浦祏(因为杰浦祏想要用仪式结束娜雅的身孕)的亚暮士把他一身的怒气发泄在门框上。 |
Amethyst: Inner alignment. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones. 6th chakra.
紫水晶:内部结构排列。有助于治疗关节炎,听觉,和骨骼疾病。用于第六个穴位。 |