Chief Justice John Roberts is in a hospital in Maine after a fall at his summer home.
首席大法官约翰?罗伯茨在他的夏季居所摔倒,现在缅因州一所医院。 |
Chief Justice John Roberts is out of a Maine hospital.
首席审判长约翰·罗伯茨已不在缅因州中的医院里。 |
Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen will step in as acting chief executive.
政务司司长曾荫权将任署理特首。 |
Chief Secretary of Administration, HKSAR, The Hon Rafael Hui, GBS, JP will also be our Guest of Honour in the event.
我们诚意邀请各会员的参与。今年除了有「公司/机构订枱」之外,亦有「个人留座」。三十五岁或以下之年青会员及赞助抽奖礼物之退休会员均可以优惠价购票。 |
Chief Zuo strode up to his disciple and lashed forth his long sword toward the sable, which was on Gong's face again.
左子穆踏上两步,长剑倏地递出,这时那貂儿又已奔到龚光杰脸上,左子穆挺剑向貂儿刺去。 |
Chief complaint -- This should be written in the patient's words.
主述--主述应该用病人的语言来写。 |
Chief complaints included unilateral nasal obstruction, blood tinged rhinorrhea and purulent rhinorrhea.
经组织切片证实为恶性黑色素肿瘤。 |
Chief economist Francois Bourguignon says research at the bank is a complex process that requires compromises.
首席经济学家F.B.称,世行的研究工作是一复杂的需要妥协的过程。 |
Chief executives generally see few.
首席执行官看到的一般少一些。 |
Chief executives may find this medicine difficult to swallow, but the more perceptive will understand that it is for their own good.
首席执行官们可能会觉得这味药难以下咽,但智者会明白:这是`为这些人好。 |
Chief justices John Robot is in a hospital in Maine after a fall at his summer home.
首席大法官约翰.罗伯特在夏季别墅跌倒后被送入缅因州一家医院。 |