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Only in my home do I feel at ease.

Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard it. 只有在人口稀少的农村,才可以忽视准时的习惯。
Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. 只有在这个肮脏的世界里你才会说这些人是无辜的,并且装出正义的嘴脸。
Only in death does duty end. 唯有死亡才算是责任的尾声。
Only in humility can we get close to ourselves and those around us. 只有怀著谦卑的心才能让我们接近自己以及身边的人。
Only in late May, a few days after reports began to surface in the Hong Kong media, did they finally confirm suspicions. 只有到了5月底,在疫情报告浮现于香港媒体几天之后,当局才出面澄清猜疑。
Only in my home do I feel at ease. 只有在我家里我才觉得自在。
Only in patience can you become aware of your soul\'s activity. 只有凭借耐心,你才能感知你灵魂的活动。
Only in seeing the unconscious may one then release the ancestral karma that has come to roost so that it does not manifest in the physical. 只有在观察到无意识时,一个人随后才能释放已出现恶果的祖先业力,让它们不再显化在物质实相中。
Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life, bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky. 惟寂静,出言语;惟黑暗,成光明;惟死亡,得再生;鹰扬虚空,灿兮明兮。
Only in slow-moving, lightweight flying machines, including model planes and pedal-powered aircraft (such as the English Channel-crossing Gossamer Albatross of 1979), has the use of wing warping continued. 只有在速度慢、重量轻的飞行器上还看得到其踪迹,如模型飞机和人力飞机(如1979年横越英吉利海峡的「薄纱信天翁号」)。
Only in such a way can the experimental teaching level be improved. 因此,公安院校必须不断进行实验教学的改革与创新、全面系统的提高实验教学水平。

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