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Graduated from Piano department of Central Conservatory in 1965, solo piano player of Guangzhou symphony orchestra, and vice colonel of Guangdong symphony orchestra.

Graduate of Texas Women's University, with majors in psychology and social work. 毕业于德州女子大学,主修心理学和社会工作!
Graduate programs in science in the U.S. are often dominated by foreign PhDs; many graduate programs are filled with Korean, Chinese, Indian, and other fine foreign students, while American students shy away from such subjects. 在美国,科学领域的毕业生经常是外国人博士生占主导地位,许多毕业项目充满了韩国人、中国人、印度人和其他国家的优秀学生,而美国人则含羞地远离了这些学科。
Graduate schools draw more applicants. 研究生院吸引更多人报考。
Graduate students enrolled in a master′s degree program in fine arts or an applied science or technology may, in lieu of a master′s thesis, submit a creative work or performance accompanied by a written report, or a technical report. 艺术类或应用科技类研究所硕士班研究生,其论文得以创作、展演连同书面报告或以技术报告代替。
Graduate training leading to the Ph.D., an ancient German degree signifying the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment, was introduced. 通往博士学位(在德国这标志着高等学术研究的最高层次)的研究生教育也被引进来了。
Graduated from Piano department of Central Conservatory in 1965, solo piano player of Guangzhou symphony orchestra, and vice colonel of Guangdong symphony orchestra. 1965年于中央音乐学院钢琴系毕业,任广州交响乐团钢琴独奏演员,后任广东交响乐团副团长。
Graduated from the Chinese Department of Shanghai Fudan University and now is the postgraduate student in advanced script writing of film &TV in Shanghai theatre Academy. 1988年复旦大学中文系毕业,目前就读于上海戏剧学院戏剧戏曲学专业,高级戏剧影视创作研究方向研究生。
Graduated from the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music in 1965. 1965年毕业于中央音乐学院作曲系。
Graduated from the Piano Department of Central Conservatory of Music in 1962. 1962年毕业于中央音乐学院钢琴系。
Graduated from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor with a degree in Asian languages and cultures. 毕业于密歇根大学安阿伯在与亚洲语言和文化学位.
Graduates are busy (in) packing up for their working posts. 毕业生们正忙着整理行装去他们新的工作岗位。

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