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For some servicemen there are several cards. On one he is listed as missing, on another as died, etc. These cards are stapled together and counted as one person.

For some reason, when I looked at those pans and cans, I felt brokenhearted. 不知道为什么,当我看着那些盘子和罐头时,我心痛欲碎。
For some reasons which closed space, and service providers link! 空间因为某种原因关闭中,请和服务商联系!
For some reasons, our knowledge and understanding of certain vocalization terms are yet to he consolidated. 由于种种原因,我们对于某些声乐术语的认识与理解还有待进一步深入。
For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language. 对于某些远程系统,将配置信息翻译成机器语言的过程。
For some say, His letters are weighty and forceful, but in person he is unimpressive and his speaking amounts to nothing. 10因为有人说,他的信,又沉重,又利害。及至见面,却是气貌不扬,言语粗俗的。
For some servicemen there are several cards. On one he is listed as missing, on another as died, etc. These cards are stapled together and counted as one person. 因为某些服役者有好几份卡片。在这一张上,他被列为失踪,在另一张上,他被列为死亡,等等。这些卡片被钉在一起,统计为一人。
For some species there may be an almost complete continuum between closely related species, as in certain orchids. 还有一些相关物种之间可以杂交,但杂种是完全或相对不育。
For some strange reason, I wanted to remember the day my playmates and I found that broken brick on the playground and thought our school was being broken into. 在书架的另外一层甚至还摆着一块砖头,那还是我上小学的时候在操场上拾回来的。
For some supposed, since Judas held the purse, that Jesus was saying to him, Buy the things that we have need of for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. 29有人因犹大带着钱囊,以为耶稣是对他说,你去买我们过节所需用的东西,或是叫他拿什么分给穷人。
For some things I have done in the past, I feel guilty. 我对于过去做过的一些事情感到愧疚。
For some this force is awakening latent skills. 对于有些人,这种力量正在唤醒潜在的技巧。

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