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Even working cattle has rights to food!

Even without polymorphism we have enough to worry about, hence we ignore this dimension. 即使没有多态也有足够多的东西要我们担心了,因此我们忽略这方面。
Even without the U.S. quoting any actual prices, the budget alloted as maximum conservative estimatment. 此案虽尚未获得美方报价,但计算估价的过程却颇为严谨。
Even without the constitution, the European Union will go on as before under existing treaties. 即使无此宪法,欧盟仍可同以前一样依目前法律运行下去。
Even without the volatility, some economists reckon that a cap-and-tradesystem produces fewer incentives than a carbon tax for climate-friendlyinnovation. 即使没有价格波动的问题在里面,很多经济学家也认为“限制排放与交易许可”机制对于气候改变的推动力根本就不如碳排放税。
Even without this judicial complication, America's school boards are being sorely tested by economics and geography. 即使没有法院一方的纠葛,美国学校的董事会也受到了经济和地理因素的严峻考验。
Even working cattle has rights to food! 即使耕牛也有吃食的权利!
Even worse for some, some of the land that was sold by the Maoris was land they didn't even own in the first instance! 还有更糟糕的:有时候那些毛利人卖出的土地根本不属于他们。
Even worse is the loneliness. 更糟糕的是,你会有孤独感。
Even worse, Chrysler had lost 7 percent in owner loyalty during the past two years. 更糟糕的是,克莱斯勒公司在过去两年内,顾主的忠诚率缩减了7%。
Even worse, says Doreen Keeler, another hurricane survivor, is that 100 days after the fact, many who lost homes are still not getting the help they need. 另一个飓风中的幸存者表示,更糟的是事发后100天过去了,许多失去家园的人仍得不到需要的帮助。
Even worse, standards do not seem to guarantee that products created with their guidance will really be usable. 不止以上论点,对于标准的看法还有更糟的,认为标准似乎并不能保证产品的可用性。

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