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To reduce the weight of the whole reducer, the FEA software ANSYS is adopted for the shape optimization design of the ring-plate in the double crank four ring-plate cycloidal pinwheel reducer and a good result is achieved.

To reduce the limits of error in measurement , the zero graduation of instruments must be carefully checked. 为了减少测量误差,必须仔细检查仪器的零刻度。
To reduce the massive volume of digital video data, compression techniques with high compression ratios are required. 为了减小数字视频数据量,需要高压缩比的压缩技术。
To reduce the risk of BSE beef produces exported to Japan must come from cattle twenty months or younger. 为了降低疯牛症的风险,生产出口到日本的牛肉必须来21个月或更小的牛。
To reduce the risk of injury under these conditions, it is recommended that the hot water faucet be opened for several minutes at the kitchen sink before using any electrical appliance connected to the hot water system. 在这种情况下,为了减少危险,建议在使用任何与热水系统连接的任何电器之前,先打开厨房的热水水龙头几分钟时间。
To reduce the sodium content, rinse canned or jarred sauerkraut before eating. 为了降低钠的含量,食用前冲洗灌装或坛装的腌菜。
To reduce the weight of the whole reducer, the FEA software ANSYS is adopted for the shape optimization design of the ring-plate in the double crank four ring-plate cycloidal pinwheel reducer and a good result is achieved. 为了减轻整机重量,采用有限元分析软件ANSYS对双电机驱动双曲柄四环板摆线针轮式减速器中的环板进行了形状优化设计,得到了良好的效果。
To reducing the compressive stresses at the impost of arch, we optimized this part and obtained a good result so as to offer a scientific basis for design. 针对拱脚压应力较大的情况,进行了局部加大的优化处理,取得了较好的效果,为工程设计提供了科学依据。
To reform and perfect the system it is unnecessary to take man as a dominate factor and peasants' legal rights and interests as the basis, make rational compensatory standards and land expropriation compensation, improve the expropriation procedures, enti 改革和完善现行的土地徵用制度,必须以人为本,从保护农民合法的权益出发,明确徵地目的和适用範围、制定合理的补偿标准和补偿徵地费用、完善徵地程序、赋予农民更大的土地权益、强化监督机制、配套推进和完善土地徵用制度。
To reform arid fix China's homestead legislation, we suggest perfecting the system of rural homestead laws and statutes, building the execution system for rural homestead management, reinforcing the publicity of the laws to enhance the law abiding conscio 因此,在改革与完善中国农村宅基地法律制度过程中须采取以下对策:建立健全宅基地法律法规体系;加强和完善宅基地管理的执法体制和手段建设;加强法制宣传,提高宅基地管理人员及农民的自觉守法意识。
To reform the fuel system of transport technologically, adopt big fuel tank, and use circumscribed fuel supplying system, the problem above can be resolved effectively. 通过对运输机燃油系统的技术改造,改用大油箱,采用外接燃油供给系统,就能有效的解决以上问题。
To reform the moral evaluation system is critical. 进行德育评价的改革已迫在眉睫。

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