With every preparation made to seize the Nationalist capital at Nanking, the Communists sent a last ultimatum to the Kuomintang government. |
中文意思: 攻占国民党首都南京的一切准备就绪后,共产党就向国民党政府发出了最后通牒。 |
With estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function first and the common denominator later, the parameter estimation of the original SISO model is obtained.
再估计出这个新的单输入多输出系统的传递函数,最后得到原单输入单输出系统的模型参数。 |
With evaluating the security of the power house structure based on the test result, this article analyses the possibility of the hydropower plant with increment of capacity of original units, and puts forward corresponding research method and result.
根据测试结果对厂房结构的安全性进行了评估,探讨了在电站原有机组的基础上进行增容的可行性,并提出了相应的研究方法和结果。 |
With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is singularly vapid.
然而,扯着嗓子、抑扬顿挫地朗诵,其结果却是令听者兴味索然。 |
With every escalation of tension in U.S.-Soviet relations, Soviet doubts mounted as to whether Finland was drawing too closely to the West, prompting increased pressure to keep it in place; whereas the West tended to look upon Findland as a mere Soviet pa
每次美苏关系一紧张,苏联就会怀疑芬兰与西方世界走得太近,而欲加深对芬兰的控制,而西方世界则认为芬兰是苏联的马前卒,在心态上始终提防。 |
With every move the turtles make, the satellite tags collect information that would be extremely difficult and prohibitively expensive for humans to gather,” said Stanford University researcher and turtle-tagger George Shillinger.
伴随着海龟的每一步移动,卫星收集着对人工收集来说极端困难,并且仅费用就令人却步的信息。” |
With every preparation made to seize the Nationalist capital at Nanking, the Communists sent a last ultimatum to the Kuomintang government.
攻占国民党首都南京的一切准备就绪后,共产党就向国民党政府发出了最后通牒。 |
With every stitch I put in it, how the tears they will flow,
一针上来,雨是泪, |
With every stitch I put in it, the tears they will pour down,
一针下去,泪如雨, |
With every tick, the process will run, do work and, optionally, set other semaphores to signal other processes that it is time to do work.
在每一个时间片到来时,该进程就运行,作业并有必要时置位其他的信号量来通知相应进程准备运行。 |
With everyone supporting us we can certainly succeed.
有大家对我们的支持,我们定能成功。 |
With everything done, she went home.
做完一切事情以后,她回家了. |