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Application of a new intrahepatic lipid content technique on the evaluation of the therapeutic effects of fatty liver disease;

Purification of starfish saponins; 一种海星皂甙的分离纯化
A novel CHD diagnostic method based on approximate entropy classification; 一种基于近似熵特征分类的冠心病诊断方法
Preparation and application of control-released urea as a bulked biodegradable fertilizer; 一种生物降解型膨化缓释尿素化肥的制备和应用
A method for genomic DNA isolation of Chinese jujube and acid jujube; 一种适合枣和酸枣基因组DNA的提取方法
Purification and Characterization of a Collagenase from Bacillus Pumilus; 一种新的短小芽孢杆菌胶原蛋白酶的分离、纯化及酶学性质研究
Application of a new intrahepatic lipid content technique on the evaluation of the therapeutic effects of fatty liver disease; 一种新的肝脏脂质含量测定技术在脂肪肝疗效评价中的应用
Establishment of a novel neuroglioma transplantation model in rats; 一种新的神经胶质瘤原位移植模型的建立
Development of a new type of field first-aid negative pressure fracture fixation splint; 一种新型野战急救负压式骨折固定夹板的设计研究
Systemic identification of a paclitaxel-producing endofungus; 一株产紫杉醇的丝状真菌的系统分类鉴定
Roles of Insulin, Stem Cell Factor and Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Diabetic Gastroparesis; 胰岛素、干细胞因子和Cajal间质细胞在糖尿病胃轻瘫中的作用
Effects of insulin and glucagons on abundance of ADPN mRNA and HSL mRNA in bovine adipocyte; 胰岛素、胰高血糖素对体外培养的牛脂肪细胞HSL mRNA和ADPN mRNA丰度的影响

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