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You always keep for him the other half of the chocolate almond chunk.

You always has this or that reason to explain for your failure in the exam, but you never try your best to pass it. 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。
You always have pretext for temporily preventing our website's development. 你们总是有借口暂停我的网站发展!
You always have reason to excuse your fail in exam, but never try to do better. 怎么你总是有理由为自己考试不及格开脱,从来没有努力考好过一次。
You always have to know what to do if such and such should happen. 你必须时刻知道如果某种事情发生时该如何处理。
You always have to smile if you work in the service industry. 如果你是做服务业的,就必须随时保持微笑。
You always keep for him the other half of the chocolate almond chunk. 你总是把一半的杏仁巧克力留给他。
You always keep for him the other half of the chocolate almond chunk.When you're driving down the street, it seems as if all the lights really do turn green. 你总是把一半的杏仁巧克力留给他。当你在路上驾车行驶时,就好象一路全是绿灯。
You always kidding in the same way,I really don`t know you have a screw loose or not. 你总是用同一个方法开玩笑,我真不知道你是不是脑袋有点问题.
You always knew that, of course, but like me and millions of other people you hoped that if you bought a diet book the weight would magically slip away. 当然,这些你一定都知道,但是就像我和千百万其他人一样,你或许也觉得一旦买了本节食书,我们的体重问题就会万事大吉了。
You always leave at the last minute, but you're never late. 你永远是在最后一分钟出门,但你从不迟到。
You always one day tow one day, is playing me? 你总是一天拖一天,是在玩我吗?

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