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Proof #10: Angels don't resurrect people when they gather them for judgment.

Pronouncement: The Studio operates completely independently and hasn't any branch. In order to ensure your right and benefit, if you have any business please contact us directly. Thank you! 声明:本工作室完全独立运作,不作为任何组织分支。为了保障您的权利与利益,如有业务请与我们直接进行联系。谢谢!
Pronouncement:All comments express the views of the author but not UIRSS.com.If you find any comments which are deemed as abusive,obscene,vulgar,hateful, slanderous,threatening,or which are otherwise in volation of any laws,please contact us.We will remov 声明:网友评论仅代表个人观点,与本站立场无关,如果在评论中发现有任何反动,色情,暴力,诽谤,广告等信息,请即时与我们联系,我们将立即予以删除.
Pronouncing on the issues of the day. 对今天的问题发表意见
Pronunciation Power 2 is an interactive and user-friendly software program designed for intermediate to advanced English learners of all ages. 语音神2是为所有年龄段的中高级英语学习者设计的交互式,用户友好性的软件产品。
Pronunciation problem: your pronunciation is so inaccurate, which goes beyond the limit that natives can understand. 发音问题:你的发音不准,而且不准得太离谱了,超出了老外理解的限度。
Proof #10: Angels don't resurrect people when they gather them for judgment. 证据#10:当天使聚集人受审判时,他们没有使人复活。
Proof #16: Who will populate the Millennium? 证据#16:谁在千禧年期间居住地上?
Proof #2: Zechariah 14:1-15 doesn't mention a resurrection. 证据#2:撒迦利亚14:1~15没有提到复活。
Proof is better than argument. 事实胜于雄辩。
Proof is incumbent upon the party who affirms a fact, not upon him who denies it. 提供证据的责任在陈述事实的一方,而非否认事实的一方。
Proof of GABA-A's involvement in anesthesia could lead to the Holy Grail of the operating room: a rapid-onset, readily reversed, risk-free anesthetic. 受体与麻醉有关的证据,可能会引致手术室里大家梦寐以求的好东西──迅速发作、容易清醒、又无风险的麻醉剂。

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