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For instance, numerical simulations show that in discrete models made of interacting blocks carrying a continuous scalar stress variable, the average stress is about two thirds of the stress threshold for rupture.

For instance, it was added in varieties of rice and wheat, dumping contents, monthcake, spicery, noodle, rice crust, bread, candy, cakes, varieties of biscuits, instant noodle, fine dried noodle, using as seasoning powder, and for making seasoning of vari 如:添加各种米面、水饺馅、月饼、调味品、面条、锅巴、面包、糖果、糕点、各种饼干、方便面、挂面、作调味粉,制作各种方便面调料保健口服液等等。
For instance, last year China took up 10% of the growth of the world economy with its GDP accounting for about 4% of the world's total; it contributed 12% to the increase of the global trade with its external trade value taking up a 6% share in the world' 以去年为例,中国以约占世界4%的GDP,对世界经济的增长做出了10%的贡献;以约占世界6%的外贸额,为世界贸易的增长做出了12%的贡献。
For instance, many American parents may be totally divorced from the church, or entertain grave doubts about the existence of God, but they send their children to Sunday school and help them to pray. 译文:例如/比方说,许多美国家长可能跟教会毫无瓜葛/不信教,对上帝是否存在也不置可否/深表怀疑,然而他们却把孩子们送去主日学校(灌输宗教思想),并帮助他们祷告。
For instance, motile aerobic bacteria are positively aerotactic, whereas motile obigate anaerobic bacteria are negatively aerotactic. 例如能动的需氧细菌表现出正的趋氧性,然而能动的厌氧细菌则表现出负的趋氧性。
For instance, neighboring brain regions often inhibit one another's activity, which serves to minimize cross talk. 举例来说,相邻的脑区通常会彼此抑制对方的活性,这有减少干扰的作用。
For instance, numerical simulations show that in discrete models made of interacting blocks carrying a continuous scalar stress variable, the average stress is about two thirds of the stress threshold for rupture. 例如,数字化模拟显示,由相互作用的承载着连续梯度变化应力的地块构成的离散模型中,平均应力大约为导致破裂应力极限的三分之二。
For instance, one of our cargo ships sank last week in typhoon. 例如,我们的一艘货轮上星期在台风中沉了。
For instance, operations managers often make use of break-even analysis to determine how much be produced and sold before a product becomes profitable. 例如,运营经理常常利用盈亏平衡分析来确定为使一个产品能盈利至少要生产和销售多大的数量。
For instance, outspoken Calvin represents Spring; passionate Jiro represents Summer; down-to-earth Wu Zun represents Autumn and introverted Aaron represents Winter. 就例如,牙尖嘴利的辰亦儒代表春天;热情的汪东城代表了夏天;平易近人的吴尊代表了秋天而冷俊的炎亚纶就代表了冬天。
For instance, over-emphatic words such as neverand alwayscould give a negative impression that the applicant is making an exaggeration which is seldom true. 例如,一些过分强调的单词,如“从未”和“始终”会给人一种消极的印象,感觉“应聘者有点夸张,不够真实”。
For instance, people already on blood thinners or someone who has suffered a head injury would be at risk for serious complications from the anti-clotting drug. 例如,如果对正在接受血液稀释治疗的病人或有头部外伤的病人使用抗血栓药物将有可能使其发生严重并发症。

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