Be very careful about any offers that involve your coming to a meeting or having someone visit your house.
如果有人以赠送礼物为由要求你前去赴会,或提出登门拜访时,应当高度警惕。 |
Be very careful not to be overly generous giving the impression that you are a financial pushover.
要注意的是,千万别给人留下你是只会赚钱的机器的印象哦。 |
Be very careful to read all labels on any over-the-counter preparations used to treat cough and colds, allergies or sleeplessness.
请您仔细阅读用于治疗咳嗽和感冒、变态(过敏)反应或失眠的非处方药标签。 |
Be very careful when handling the slices.
当粘这些泥片时一定要仔细。 |
Be very careful while in transit or while traveling in foreign countries.
过马路时或者出国旅行一定要小心。 |
Be very clear about the criteria and method used for the selection.
推动者要对排列标准和方法非常清楚。 |
Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.
对于那些迎合你自尊心的意见,要十分小心。 |
Be vivid and descriptive in your prose; use the tools of fiction - character, setting and dialogue.
尽量使你的散文生动又有描述性;使用小说的工具——角色、场景与对话。 |
Be vivid, detailed and descriptive in your prose; use dialogue when appropriate.
尽量使你的散文生动、具细节又有描述性;在必要的时候使用对话。 |
Be ware of falling into their trap.
当心中了他们的计。 |
Be ware, be ware! he'll cheat it without scruple,who can without fear.
当心,当心!行骗而无所畏惧者,也将无所顾虑。 |