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In dreams and in LOVE there are no imposibilities.

In downtown Johannesburg, those who have lost their homes often move to the next derelict building to stay close to their livelihood. 在约翰内斯堡市中心,失去住所的人往往搬到临近的另一栋废弃楼房以维持生计。
In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
In drawing hitherto scattered and essentially selfish peasants together, the war taught people the value of co-operation and collective action. 抗日战争把自古以来就是分散经营、基本上各顾各的农民组织起来了,使他们认识到同心协力、集体行动的力量。
In drawing up invoice, one should do this truthfully at one single time in accordance with the time limit, order, column by column and all forms of invoices, and affix the financial seal of the unit or the special invoice seal. 开具发票应当按照规定的时限、顺序,逐栏、全部联次一次性如实开具,并加盖单位财务印章或发票专用章。
In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. 在有梦的睡眠中,动物根本不能动弹而且对外界刺激没有反应。
In dreams and in LOVE there are no imposibilities. 在梦和爱中没有不可能.
In dreams you sometimes fall from a height, or are stabbed, or beaten, but you never feel pain unless, perhaps, you really bruise yourself against the bedstead, then you feel pain and almost always wake up from it. 您有时会梦见从高处掉下来,或是被人砍杀,但是您从不会感到疼痛,除非您自己真的撞在了床上,才会感到痛,并且往往会痛得醒过来。
In dreams, I applaud you. 在梦里,我为你喝彩.
In dreams, we have no time to love purity. 在梦里,我们的爱情纯洁无暇.
In drier areas, police are trying to contain widespread looting. 在淹水较少的地方,警方正试图制止普遍的哄抢行为。
In ducks and drakes, it seems, size matters. 在公鸭或是母鸭之间,看起来就是型号的问题。

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