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Along with the rapid development of portable electronic devices and MEMS products, the requirement of increasing the energy density of power supply unit is urgent.

Along with the network popularization, the digital facsimile emerges as the times require. 随着网络的普及,数字(网络)传真机应运而生。
Along with the new trend, the national customary law will continue to play an important role. 民族习惯法将沿袭新的发展走势继续发挥作用。
Along with the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and the trend of population senility worldwide, the mechanism of insulin hyposecretion and insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes has become the focus of world. 摘要随着世界范围内2型糖尿病的流行与人口老龄化,以胰岛素分泌不足和伴胰岛素抵抗为主要致病机制的2型糖尿病已成为国内外研究热点。
Along with the progress of drilling technology,many new types of BHA such as steering motor assembly,dropping assembly with eccentric bend sub,dropping assembly with flexible connection are developed based on common building,dropping and holding assemblie 为了更好地应用各种新钻具,建立了适用于对普通下部钻具、导向钻具、带偏心弯接头和柔性接头的下部钻具进行三维小挠度静力学分析的数学模型,包括(1)微分方程;(2)钻头、稳定器、弯角、变截面、切点和井壁的边界条件;(3)钻头的侧向力和钻头转角.给出了该模型的加权余量解.用该方法编写的软件应用效果良好.
Along with the rapid development of modern information technology, medical imager (or printer) as the output equipment of such advanced medical equipment as CT, CR, MRI, DSA, has replaced the multi-camera. 随着信息技术的高速发展,医用相机(或打印机)作为CT、CR、MR、DSA等先进医疗设备的输出设备已基本取代了多幅相机。
Along with the rapid development of portable electronic devices and MEMS products, the requirement of increasing the energy density of power supply unit is urgent. 摘要随著便携式电子产品和微机电系统(MEMS)的迅速发展,对电源能量密度的要求不断提高。
Along with the simulation theory, the method and theapplication engineering research is unceasingly thorough,as well as computer technology development,the application digital computer carries on the simulation to theactual system or the imaginary system 随着仿真的理论、方法和应用技术研究的不断深入,以及计算机技术的发展,应用数字计算机对实际系统或假想的系统进行仿真越来越受到人们的重视。
Along with the social life development, the science and technology progress anddoes economical globalization speeding up, how promote under theinformation time the continuing education development, how follows thenew times in the original foundation the s 随着社会生活的发展,科学技术的进步和经济全球化的加快,如何促进信息时代下继续教育的发展,在原有的基础上如何跟上新时代的步伐,应是继续教育的首要问题。
Along with the solicitation letter, the committee also attached some sample photos showing the brilliant smiling faces of young kids. 组委会在发出恳求信的同时,还附上了一些展示孩子们灿烂笑脸的照片样本。
Along with the spring breeze of “Hundreds of Enterprises to Guangxi” and the slogan of “Creating a New Industrial Liuzhou”, a group of small and medium-sized enterprises which mainly rely on engineering machinery, auto parts and machining process settled 伴随着“百企入桂”的温暖春风和“再造一个工业柳州”的嘹亮号角,一批以工程机械、汽车配件和机加工为重点的中小型企业在龙城这片开放的热土上落地生根、迅速发展。
Along with the stable social and political situation, the Chinese economy is developed and expanded in scale, the market environment is further opened, and the level of the equipment manufacturing industry is increased, which all make the automation level 随着社会和政治的稳定、中国经济规模的扩大、市场环境的进一步开放、装备制造业水平的提高,使中国自动化水平得到了提高,并保持中国自动化市场持续增长,形成了中国自动化产业井喷的局面。

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