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Sixteen. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Sixteen percent of British drivers have become so heavily reliant on satellite navigation systems that they have given up keeping a map in their car. 的英国司机严重依赖全球定位系统,所以他们的车里都没备地图。
Sixteen photos are selected in this volume. 莫理循的这部分收藏共60多幅,本书选入16幅。
Sixteen tumors were located in the midbrain, three in the pons, and one in the medulla oblongata. 其中16人肿瘤定位在中脑,3人在脑桥,1人在延髓。
Sixteen – forty? You'll have plenty of time. 16点40分?你有足够的时间。
Sixteen-year-old Ang Chuang Yang typed the SMS (short message service) message in 41.52 seconds, beating the previous record of 42.22 seconds set by American Ben Cook in July, according to Singapore Telecommunications, organisers of the competition. 新加坡一名学生12日创造了新的发短信速度最快的吉尼斯世界纪录,只用了不到42秒的时间便将一条包含160个字符的短信输入到了自己的手机里。
Sixteen. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. 当你失败时,不要失去教训.
Sixth Venture On Jan.15.2001 of the lunar year at about 21:00in the evening ,Wang Dajun,proprietor of sichuan pictorial ,drove the car accompanied by LiXiaohong ,a photographer from Anhui ,photographers Lipei and Guoji from Henan ,and I On the way from Ab 2001年正月十五晚上21:00与四川的老师们驾车,同行的有安徽摄影家李小红、河南摄影家李沛、郭际和我从阿坝回成都,天黑路滑,车辆在理县石古唐乡一座桥上车,车外二十公分外便是高几十米的悬崖,命悬一线。
Sixth sessions: The plain is closed down because of World War surely in sixth Olympiad that Germany Berlin holds,but session of tradition Olympiad number casts light on according to ancient Greece culture to calculate. 第六届:原定在德国柏林举办的第六届奥运会,因世界大战而停办,但按古希腊文化传统奥运会的届数照算。
Sixth step: After the heavy start enters a system solution package of process ——to establish the region, the language, hypothesis user agreement, computer name and so on, the always principle is all uses to tacitly approve, lets you agree results in the p 第六步:重启动后进入系统解包过程——设定区域、语言,设定用户协议、计算机名等等,总的原则就是都用默认得,让你同意得地方就同意,所有要注册得地方都选以后注册,所有可以跳过得都跳过。
Sixth trial, again before Pilate. 六次审讯,又一次在比拉多面前.
Sixth “You shall not kill. 第六条:不可杀人。

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