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It must be the only emerging-market central bank currently worried about a weak exchange rate.

It must be set right to be useful. 它必须被设定好才能用。
It must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. 这一定很小,目前精神病的诊断方法还发现不了。
It must be something like sever o'clock now. 现在一定是七点钟模样了。
It must be taken before and during early pregnancy when the neural tube is developing. 在神经中枢发育的时候,也就是在早期怀孕阶段,补充叶酸对婴儿很有好处。
It must be terrible being posh: when you do something marvellous, many people will just attribute it to your expensive upbringing. 17谈吐优雅一定不是什么好事。如果你做什么事情都做得很出色,别人只会归功于你昂贵的教育。
It must be the only emerging-market central bank currently worried about a weak exchange rate. 台湾恐怕也是新兴市场中,唯一目前仍在担心汇率疲弱的央行。
It must be tough, since we're dealing with a natural product that varies in size and shape. 我想一定很不简单,因为这种自然产物的大小和形状每个都不一样。
It must be twelve, isn't it? 一定12点了,是吗?
It must be understood that this concession is made without prejudice to any future decision of the committee. 必须明确,这次合作的让步对本委员会今后的决定不产生任何影响。
It must be used for (some) proper purposes. 它必须用于正当的用途上。
It must borrow leave to be; and will be, no longer than state pleasure, or state discretion, sees fit to grant the indulgence, and prolong its poor existence. 它必须借人家许可而存在,并且存在的时间不会长于各州凭他们高兴或由他们随意决定是否适合恩准并延长其苟延残喘的时间。

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