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It combines natural process and human process organically so as to meet the challenge of environmental change.

It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. 它从盒子里爬出来并藏在盘子下面。
It coincides with the birthday of 4th century BC philosopher Mencius, whose mother has long been considered the epitome of maternal devotion and love. 农历四月初二恰好是生于公元前4世纪的哲学家孟子的生日,孟子的母亲历来被认为是贤母形象的典范。
It cold we stayed at home. 天气如此寒冷,以至于我们都呆在家里。
It combines many functions in one. It is a high grade product. 它集多种功能于一身,是高档产品。
It combines mechanics techniques with models of material behavior to determine adequacy of component design. 课程中将力学技术与材料行为的模型结合来确定元件设计的正确性。
It combines natural process and human process organically so as to meet the challenge of environmental change. 而自然过程与人文过程恰恰是地理过程的具体表现。
It combines the Renaissance conception of a centrally planned church with older forms deriving from Gothic groin vaults. 它把文艺复兴时期的中央教堂风格与源于哥特式建筑的穹形天花板特色和谐地结合在了一起。
It comes around only once every 60 years and is considered one of the luckiest in the entire Chinese zodiac. 60年一轮回的“金猪”年就被看作是中国生肖中最吉利的一年。
It comes as Bush administration's struggle to cope with the fallout from a scandal over the substandard conditions for wounded Iraq war soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 这是布什政府力图解决在沃尔特里德陆军医疗中心发生丑闻事件引起的,对在伊拉克战争中受伤的士兵提供不合规范的医疗条件。
It comes as no surprise that Denmark is marking the bicentenary of its most famous son in grand style with the government and private firms footing a $40 million bill for a year-long event. 作为丹麦最著名的人物,难怪安徒生200周年诞辰排场会如此巨大:政府和私营公司出资四千万美元,整个庆典活动将持续一年.
It comes at a time of mounting concern among liberals about the rising tide of protectionism sweeping Europe. 与此同时,贸易自由主义者越来越担心,正在抬头的贸易保护主义浪潮会横扫欧洲。

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