Arabella Doreen Figg is an eccentric woman who wears tartan carpet slippers and a housecoat when out shopping for tinned cat food at the corner shop.
阿尔贝拉多利安费格是一个奇怪的女人,当她到拐角商店买罐头猫粮时,她总是穿着格子地毯拖鞋和一件家常服。 |
Arabian dance Oriental Dance is women collective dance full of Arabian elegance.
阿拉伯舞蹈东方舞是阿拉伯风情的女子群舞。 |
Arabian had conquered whole Maghreb in 702 .
公元702年阿拉伯人征服了整个马格里布。 |
Arabian proverb: If you don't want to do, you will find an excuse; if you want to do, you will find a way.
你若不想做,你会找到一个借口;你若想做,你会找到一个方法。 |
Arabic and Oriental languages are “economically useful” as new world markets emerge.
在新的世界市场形势下,阿拉伯语和东方国家语言变得“经济实用”。 |
Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English,that is,from right to left.
阿拉伯文的书写方向与英文相反,即从右到左。 |
Arachne filled her web with subjects designedly chosen to exhibit the failings and errors of the gods.
阿拉喀涅则故意地在自己的图案中织出了显示神祗们的缺点和错误的主题。 |
Arad, M. Locality constraints on the interpretation of roots: the case of Hebrew denominal verbs.2001. Ms.
字根解释上的位置限制:希伯来语的名词动词格〉2001.手稿。 |
Arafat and Rabin signed at the White House on September 28, 1995, an accord to extend Palestinian self-rule across the West Bank, which provoked fierce opposition from the right-wing Jew.
阿拉法特和拉宾曾于1995年9月28日在白宫签署了延长西岸巴勒斯坦自治的协议,这激起了右翼犹太人的强烈反对。 |
Arafat and company were allowed back after signing the Oslo peace accords with Israel in 1993.
在1993年和以色列签订了奥斯陆和平协议后,阿拉法特与其战友被允许返回巴勒斯坦。 |
Arafat and his men had to be rescued by the Americans and escorted to exile in faraway Tunis.
阿拉法特和他的人民不得不接受美国的援救,在其护送下流亡遥远的突尼斯。 |