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Rommel left home and arrived at his headquarters in a hurry after D-Day. He organized counter-offensives in haste.

Romer, Paul. The Origins of Endogenous Growth.Journal of Economic Perspectives 8, no. 1 (1994): 3-22. 保罗.罗默,《内生成长的的来源》,《经济观点》,8卷1期,第3-22页。
Romesh Bhattacharji, India's narcotics commissioner until 2001, supports the Senlis Council. 罗梅什巴塔查尔吉,2001年印度麻醉品委员会专员,对森利斯委员会的观点表示赞同。
Romeyn: Wow, I didn't think you were that old. I'm actually twenty-three myself. How long have you been in show business? 天,我不相信你那么大了,我自己倒是23岁了。你做这一行有多久了?
Rommel and his junior officers were openly contemptuous of the Americans' ability to fight. 隆美尔和他手下的军官公开地蔑视美国人的战斗能力。
Rommel drove the Americans back on what would be the defining moment for the American ground soldier against the Germans ’ Kasserine Pass, in the Tunisian Dorsal Mountains. 隆美尔将美军一直击退到了突尼斯多舍尔山脉的凯瑟琳山口,对于与德国人作战的美军地面部队来说这个山口具有重大的历史意义。
Rommel left home and arrived at his headquarters in a hurry after D-Day. He organized counter-offensives in haste. 日之后,隆美尔将军才从家中匆匆赶回他的司令部,他急忙组织了反击。
Rommel made it to his fortifications, a twenty-two-mile line built by the French against an Italian invasion of Tunisia. 隆美尔利用法国人在突尼斯修建的用于抵抗意大利人入侵的一条22英里的防线建立起了自己的防御工事。
Rommel, who had lost the favor of Hitler after Tunisian Campaign and had been demoted to a post in Northern Italy for some time, was now recalled to an important position, the commander of Army Group B in the Western Front. 隆美尔将军在突尼斯战役后,曾经一度失去希特勒的宠爱,被降职到意大利的北部,此刻他又被重新启用,调到诺曼底担任一个重要职务:西线的B集团军司令。
Romove from your vocabulary phrases like“one of these days” and“someday”. 从你的词汇库中移去那些所谓的“有那么一天”和“某一天”。
Romulo said the Philippine government attaches great importance to cooperating with China in various fields. 罗慕洛表示,菲律宾政府十分重视发展与中国在各个领域的合作。
Ron Chaluisan, the vice president for programs at New Visions for Public Schools, a nonprofit group that has helped create more than 30 schools in New York City, said the special education students enrolled in the small schools have had a high rate of suc 公立学校新视野计划,一个帮助纽约创立超过30所学校的非盈利性组织,它的副主席罗恩·查路易珊说,要接受特殊教育的学生被招收进入小型学校后,有更高的成功几率。

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